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2007-06-06 19:33:25| 人氣90| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The random notes......

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After several days of my lung’s inflammation,
I was busy at continuous wind bands’ concerts in order to earning money.
Then, my right knee and the right medius protested against the humidity.
The unbearable pain make me almost can’t get out of bed.
Gradually, the left hand can’t raise ,too.
Finally, I went to the hospital to seek for help.
The doctor said nothing but gave me some medicines and used the syringe to extract 5 cans of the blood.
At the same time, I was also taken the X-ray image’s photo.
Looking over on me was in order to check if I’m the rheumatic or the gouty.
I won’t eat the medicines before I watch the physical examination’s report,
because I can endure the pain and I think the medicine have no effect upon my uncertain disease.
I still wait for the subsequent visit consequently.

台長: Killer
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