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2007-08-06 19:24:36| 人氣210| 回應5 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Oliver 演講稿

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Oliver 今天進行班級內複賽
所以今天找學年主任Mr. B一起再聽一次
Oliver告訴我 他今天演講時間控制更好
可是他還是沒進final 他很高興不被選上
因為他不想再講第三次 甚至第四次(夠懶吧!)
他沒被選上也好 這樣他就可以去忙他自己的事
雖然他也沒什麼好忙的 反正除了網路就是電動

以下是Oliver的講稿 全部是他自己寫的
各位 小犬獻醜啦!


You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Sounds familiar? That’s because someone broke the law. Laws affect our lives and society in a variety of ways. We obey them everyday or face their consequences.

There are many types of law and they all affect our daily lives without you knowing it. Naming every type of law will go well beyond my time here, so I will just list the ones we usually encounter everyday. Property law defines what you can do when buying, selling, or renting real property like homes. Constitutional law is for creating laws, protecting people’s human rights, and electing political candidates, while administrative law allows ordinary citizens to challenge the way government use their power. International law regulates affairs between other countries in everything from trade to immigrants.

But why, do we obey laws? Why should we even bother? The main reason why we all obey laws is that not that we don’t want to, is that we don’t want to face the consequences. Who would like to get a detention with the nice teacher who calls you an abomination? Who would want to stay in a cold, dark cell with a demented madman? I definitely don’t want to. Every time you break the law the punishment is thing that keeps you from doing this again and convincing others also not to. But still even when some people know all about this, they still think can get away with it without being caught? How stupid is that?

We all know laws put us and criminals away from bad temptation, but are all of them good? Criminal law helps us get rid of deadly criminals. However, not all laws are good. Many innocent people died of unfair laws in the past in which some people didn’t have a chance to fight back. For example, in medieval times many women were suspected as witches for having “a dark mark” and were burned on a stake without second thought. But some laws aren’t even necessary or downright outrageous. For example, chewing gum is prohibited in Singapore because it is a means of "tainting an environment free of dirt." Or another example is that in Atlanta, Georgia, it is illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp. Where would you find a giraffe in the first place?

Now imagine for a moment a world without laws. Criminals, cutthroats, thieves, muggers and all other manner of people driven by greed would be free to do as they please without anyone standing in their way. Well, almost. No laws mean we could do anything we wanted as well. No fear of getting caught. In other words, we would become as bad as them. Earth would be a ruined, tattered world.

I hope you learned a bit more about laws and why obeying them is so important. Hey you! You’re lucky you’re not in Singapore!

台長: 胖劉媽
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: Things in NZ |

我還沒細看, 可是這位阿姨目前正迷的影集, 一天到晚就聽到警探說這些話. (文章一開頭的幾句啦)

晚點再上來, CSI時間到了. :)
2007-08-06 20:57:02

沒辦法 他老媽也愛看CSI呀
現在是CSI-Miami 我的興趣就不大
有空才看 還有類似影集太多
像是NCIS, Law & Order....
2007-08-07 19:23:07
完全自己寫的哦? 好厲害 -- 不是英文而已, 他的起承轉合已經很齊備, 好棒哦!! 再度給Oliver 拍拍手.

這麼好的東西, 怎麼可以不多講幾次啊?

~ Where would you find a giraffe in the first place?hahahaha.......(do they really got this law?)
~ yeah, I`m so glad I`m not in Singapore. (chewing gum now)
2007-08-07 14:42:13
All his own ideas. Quite good, isn`t it?

以為老師和同學會不感興趣 而不選他
(大部份孩子都選些軟性的題材 像是動物 漫畫等)
其實恰恰相反 我說這種題材老師才會喜歡
2007-08-07 19:37:17
very good!!

懶還可以進五強, 不懶, 妳這做媽大概就忙死了.

哈哈哈, 握手握手. 我也不喜歡CSI:Miami, 播了都還不看. 現在台灣是CSI:NY第三季. 我不是很喜歡NCIS. 在今年的Emmy Nomination上看到Law & Order, 可惜台灣好像沒有. 這一部我倒是有興趣瞧瞧. 最近另外還拚的是The Closer. 台灣也沒上. (所以, 好忙哦....hahahaha.....)
2007-08-08 11:31:42


打電動都是一樣勤快的啦! Kevin也是如此。不過他這趟回來變得很乖,會幫忙拖地和洗碗哦。
2007-08-09 09:40:18
才幾天沒上就多了三篇 還蠻勤力的嘛!^o^
之前看了好久也沒有新作 這幾天被國稅局搞得暈頭轉向 也沒想到要點進來看 看來我是最懶的囉
雖然Oliver的演講我指導過一下 但是發覺NZ和台灣的演講方式南轅北轍 所以就幫不上忙啦 國情不同還真沒辦法呢!!!
2007-08-09 11:21:35
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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