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2007-03-18 18:37:44| 人氣153| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Those days and The Future

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Happy Birthday To My Manhou.

Today you are 18.What it proved is that you are no more a child and it is no need for me to helping you anymore.

You should make an effort on your own life.You will be succeed but in the moment you should dig out a road lead you to it.

Sometimes the people or things we meet will not meet our standard,but do not be disappointed,the best is yet to come.
You don’t need the kindness of God or the fortune from your family.You realized that every experience is a good traning,so you never complain or exposed to loose heart.

Oh I love you I do love you

台長: Lillian
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全站分類: 偶像後援(藝人、後援會)

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