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2006-03-15 01:46:51


開學一個月了耶.... 終於有點上課的感覺了! 不過對於這學期的課頗有微詞阿....尤其是教程.... 老師有夠無聊的....遲到早退.... 好吧...原諒她是孕婦.... 但是教程學分費可不可以少一點? 研究所的課還好....C...

2006-02-23 18:10:37


For two of my bros: I know it’s really hard for you guys to get through this stuff.... But I have to encourage you to spring out from that! I can tell the sufferings you have now....deeply.... ...

2006-02-23 18:05:51


好久沒碰到新聞台了,感覺又像是廢台了一樣 恩....在開始紀錄生活點滴吧!

2006-02-04 23:50:42


終於....你還是說了.... 我知道你會說....卻不知道來的如此突然.... 對你來說,或者是對很多人來說.... 我所講的都是懶叫話,也就是屁話.... 縱使心中充滿無奈.... 但是我不想反駁,畢竟問題出在於我 說什麼都...

2006-01-25 00:19:03


回家了 但是也不知道是要高興還是不爽 亨 總之我回家了

2006-01-05 13:48:54

If I were an inventor...

It just occurred to me that a few weeks ago there was a English Speech Contest held by the Department of Applied English at our school. I attended to see the performance of juniors and seniors... No...

2005-12-30 00:00:36


Today for me and Seven hours for you from now A secret kept inside my deepest heart.... Don’t ask.... Shhhh....

2005-12-25 23:34:59

Transcribing takes your life!

機車!Transcribe果真會殺了一個人! 現在可以體會羅倫的感想了... 雖然短短18分鐘,但是花了我快一天的時間, 畢竟自己一邊弄一邊看電視 哈哈 But I have to say "We’re all using our souls, our spirits, an...

2005-12-24 17:17:04


很機車 留言板是三小啦 怎麼都不能留言阿 試了一百次只有一次成功 機車 所以祝大家聖誕快樂 如果妳在我板上留言而我沒回的話 就代表留言板有問題... 祝大家高興

2005-12-20 00:50:03

Diamonds or Glasses

I used to think women are emotional creatures, and it was men’s obligation to be nice and thoughtful to them. Definitely, it makes sense to every couple, especially to women… And every man should ...

2005-12-20 00:47:17


媽呀 很胖的一張... 不過被攝影師修過片了 而且攝影師叫我笑... 媽的笑的可真開懷!

2005-12-20 00:39:03


畢業團拍耶... 不過照片少了一個人... 因為躲在海豹家 哈哈 時間過真快... 已經在團拍了... 希望大家都順利畢業囉 攝於20051201銘傳校園內

2005-12-13 00:40:05


原來所謂的狗急跳牆真的是存在的! 有句話說「Forgive those who unintentionally hurt you」 但是有時候因為環境因素等等而產生經由非大腦思考後所說出的氣話 別說是一連串的詛咒,哪怕只有一句話 聽起來都非常...

2005-12-11 15:00:09

Please do not say that agian!

I know we are on the same boat now... But you have to bear one thing in mind for sure... The predicament needs each of us to get through rather than only each of us fights alone! Everytime when pic...

2005-12-11 14:49:11

回家= 爽

星期四回到家先處理一下瑣事 五六這兩天幾乎都在放鬆狀態 感覺很舒服.... 吃了好吃的早餐和川菜 還有好吃的麻醬麵和鹹酥雞 恩 逃離剩下一個月的學期 逃離讓我煩心的事情 真希望時間就此停住 No more assign...

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