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2005-12-07 13:55:01


哀唷~~~ 新聞台復活了! 不是說到十二月九號嗎...? 好怪喔 不過沒差,可以用就好!

2005-11-19 14:52:06


我知道 但是我也不想多說 我知道 但是我也不想解釋 我知道 但是隨便別人怎麼說 也隨便讓局外人去揣測 我知道 我的原則沒有變 反正現在我多說無益 不管怎樣都是多餘 只是會一味被冠上罪人的名義 我知道 ...

2005-11-03 20:55:15

You will know.....

You will not know a person fully..... until he or she is willing to show you the way and open the path for you to reach him or her deeply....

2005-11-03 20:50:26

When a Paradox Exist in a .....

Once one of my friends told me: "There is a paradox exsiting in a relationship..." So..what does "paradox" mean? A paradox may account for the conflicts or contraditions that occur between two pers...

2005-10-30 12:02:40


立委標叔的小孩結婚,才十六歲耶! 不禁讓我覺得太好命阿! 不過我想他要他小孩子負責的部分原因是因為對方家裡也很有錢 有錢加上搞政治 = 無敵 加上其實小孩子生出來後,根本不用去擔心奶粉錢阿等等的 因為他孫...

2005-10-22 17:07:59


(配樂:登登登登~) 當妳的臉上寫著無可奈何的表情 我們又可感覺到妳那雞掰的回應 當妳要研究生有著critical的thinking 一萬個罵妳的理由 都在我心底 (配樂:登登登登登~) 當妳的攻勢波波地來 毫無回應 ...

2005-10-13 13:35:22

What’s wrong with the "Booboo Gapper"?

Every time when one of my friends logs on to the net and browse through "Wretch Albums", he always urges me to see some "booboo gappers" despite the fact that we don’t like it at all, yet just look i...

2005-10-01 02:18:18

Zero is where I live

Haven’t written some shits recently, Coz I’m not in the mood actually; Not only for the school work strenuously, But also for the translation exhaustedly. Sometimes others would think so oddly...

2005-09-18 02:31:53


這裡快荒廢掉了... 還是寫一下好了! 明天中秋,今天烤肉,雖然只有六個人,但是好爽! 好久沒烤肉了,身上烤肉味揮之不去,討厭! 祝大家中秋愉快!

2005-09-04 02:38:03


02:34 A.M. Sep. 4th, 2005 Tears falling down unconsciously....

2005-08-27 00:30:08


Song...finally got home....finally I can eat delicious food.... Finally... Finally... Song!

2005-08-05 16:18:53

How come shits always happen?

Damn it....how come shits awlays happen to me? How come? How come? How come? How come? How come? It just come . . . How can I get through all these shits

2005-07-31 14:28:35

Cindy’s Wedding Ceremony

7/29 星期五夜晚是大學同學中第一個結婚Cindy的婚禮! 下午和阿輝坐車到台北與泰源會合,再去星巴克喝咖啡殺時間, 再坐往芝山捷運站,僑園飯店集合。 到了會場Go Sir和偉力Vicky怡潔都已經先到了, 就先寫一寫卡...

2005-07-31 14:19:48


襯衫一件 + 領帶一條 + 領帶夾一個 + 皮帶一條 + 褲子一條 = 屌 + 爽

2005-07-27 16:57:13


他媽的,好久沒那麼生氣了!幹你娘老機掰! 在看電視中,skype開著也沒開放,就有一個大陸豬打來.... 照慣例禮貌是要接一下,所以就接起來了.... 大陸豬第一句話就是:你哪人啊?(操一個大陸機巴口音!) 我就說:...

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