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2011-03-30 01:00:00
2010-09-16 18:56:56
2011-02-07 17:46:07

Phrase 48: wait on

48. wait on:serve, attend to: D/auf jemand warten, bedienen F/servir E/servir P/server, atender I/servire N/serveren D/ S/ N/ I/ S/ J/ L/ C/伺候,服侍 A pretty waitress waited on him in the restaurant...

2011-02-05 19:07:27

Preposições certa 16

16. Nunca fui desleal _____ você.(solução 15: por)

2011-02-05 19:03:56

Mammal 78: ocelot

ocelot.jpg78. ocelot: D/Ozelot F/ ocelot E/ ocelote, gato onza P/ ocelot, jaguatirica I/ ocelot, gatto delle pampas Nl/ ocelot D/ozelot S/ozelot N/ ocelot I/ S/oselotti J/オセロット L/Felis pardalis, ...

2011-02-05 18:49:51

Flower 78: lily of the valley

lily of the valley.jpg78. lily of the valley: D/Maiglöckchen, Maiblume F/muguet, lis de mai E/lirio de la valle, muguete P/lirio-convale, lirio-dos-vales I/mughetto, giglio delle convalli Nl/lilietje...

2011-02-05 18:09:04

Preposições certa15

15. Sempre demonstro carinho _____ ele.(solução 14: com)

2011-02-05 18:02:19

P. verb 27: caber

caber: cabendo cabido imp.: cabe cabei1. caibo cabes cabe; cabemos cabeis cabem2. cabia cabias cabia; cabíamos cabíeis cabiam3. cabirei cabirás cabirá; cabiremos cabireis cabirão4. coube coubeste...

2011-02-05 17:54:28

Proverb 47: While the grass

47. While the grass grows the horse starves. 遠水解不了近渴。

2011-02-05 17:48:40

CSentence 37: My treat

37. 我請客好了。(搶先付帳)My treat.Vocé é meu convidado. / Eu pago.

2011-02-05 17:45:33

Phrase 47: look up

47. look up:search for—especially in a dictionary D/nachschlagen, herausfinden, nach etwas suchen F/consultar, chercher dans E/consultar, buscar P/consultar, ir ver I/consultare, cercare N/naslaan, o...

2011-02-04 07:42:29

Preposição certa 14

14, Quero contribuir _____ você.(solução 13: de, de)

2011-02-04 07:37:38

Mammal 77: panther

panther.jpg77. panther: D/Panther F/panthère E/pantera P/pantera I/pantera Nl/panter, luipaard D/ S/ N/ I/ S/ J/パンサー L/Panthera pardus C/美洲豹

2011-02-04 07:24:20

Flower 77: poinsettia

poinsettia.jpg77. poinsettia: D/Weihnachtsstern F/étoile de Noël, poinsettia E/flor de pascua P/poinsettia, flor-de-páscoa I/stella di Natale Nl/kerstster, poinsettia D/ S/julstijärna N/ I/ S/ J/ ...

2011-02-04 06:52:34

Preposição certa 13

13. Meu pai se aproximou _____ mim e meu irmão se afastou _____ mim.(solução 12: a)

2011-02-04 06:50:29

P. verb 26: banir

banir: banindo banido imp.: bane bani1. - - - banimos banis –2. bania banias bania; baníamos baníeis baniam3. banirei banirás banirá; baniremos banireis banirão4. bani baniste baniu; banimos ban...

2011-02-04 06:46:16

Proverb 46: To entertain an angel

46. To entertain an angel unawares. 有眼不識泰山。

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