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2010-01-25 19:35:52| 人氣437| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[TRANSSHIPMENT] 3rd book of '1Q84' to be released in April

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[TRANSSHIPMENT] Third book of Murakami’s bestselling novel ’1Q84’ to be released in April

The first and second books of Haruki Murakami’s novel "1Q84."The third installment of bestselling author Haruki Murakami’s novel "1Q84" will be released in April.

The novel’s publisher, Shinchosha, advertised the sale of the next installment in the Mainichi Shimbun and other newspapers.

"1Q84" is a story whose chapters alternate between the two main characters, a woman named Aomame and a man named Tengo. The title comes from George Orwell’s novel "1984."

Since "1Q84" went on sale in May last year, 2.24 million copies have been sold, and in 2009 the novel became the first literary work to become the top overall bestselling book in Japan. The work also sparked an increase in sales of music CDs that were mentioned in the novel and of Murakami’s past works.

In an interview carried in the Mainichi Shimbun in September last year, Murakami said that he wanted to publish a sequel to the first two volumes of the novel "as soon as possible," adding that he was aiming to release the third volume early in the summer.

This article is copied from
Mainichi Japan (January 2, 2010)

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此分類上一篇:[轉載] 林少華解析村上春樹新作《1Q84》


不知道後面會怎麼寫 很期待呢



像渡邊去療養所找直子 像田中卡夫卡去找入口那邊的石頭

在我還不知道有第三冊時 看完1q84當下 還心想不會吧..“就這樣?”

那時日本還有出專評書以兩派角度對1Q84提出看法 到底是傑作、還是問題作?


現在 〈知道有第三冊之後〉等1q84 3上市

等待中 我又有信心跟相信心中浮現的美好的預兆的感覺
2010-03-05 09:38:03
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