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Analyze: Reporting to Murakami accepting Jerusalem Prize

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Analyze: Reporting to Murakami accepting Jerusalem Prize

(yet finished)

Written by Liz Leung

1.A preface
Last night (16th February ,2009),Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami and Israeli president Shimon Peres attended the 24th International Book fair in Jerusalem. Murakami accepted Israel’s prestigious literary award, the Jerusalem prize for the Freedom of the Individual in Society, after considering the opinions from pro-Palestinian groups.
Photo taken by Baz Ratner/Reuters
and it is copied from Guardian.co.uk
website link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2009/feb/16/haruki-murakami-jerusalem-prize

2.Reporting which are under analysis in this article

Analysis is going to be done on reporting from 3 papers:
1,Jerusalem Post Online Edition (issued on 15th Feb) GEOGRAPHIC: Middle East
2,Guardian.co.uk (issued on 16th Feb) GEOGRAHIC: EUROPE
3.The Japan Times (issued on 17th Feb) GEOGRAPHIC: ASIA

I am going to examine the reporting angles of each paper. But it was not my main purpose of carrying out this analysis. As a university student of Journalism and Mass Communication, the most important thing is to compare the standpoints behind each paper publishers or owners in professional sight. And how politics or political prejudice (negatively spoken)of each country affect the reporting attitude of its local paper.

3.Reporting for Reference
Reminded that all these reporting are copied from the following websites:

1.‘Murakami, in trademark obscurity, explains why he accepted Jerusalem award’
Source:Jerusalem Post Online Edition

2.‘Murakami defies protests to accept Jerusalem prize’
Website: http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2009/feb/16/haruki-murakami-jerusalem-prize

3.‘Novelist Murakami accepts Israeli literary prize’
Source: The Japan Times

All these reporting are under the rights of being protected and they are for reference use only in this analysis.

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