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2009-02-11 09:59:22| 人氣111| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Feb. 9th.

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Today I am so tired….i stayed up late last night to review my “world of words” test.

It’s about “nonverbal communication”, so complex!!!!

But I still so confused…today I went to the class early, and asked Ms. Archer for help!!!

cuz I still have some question didn’t fill up!

Though I reviewed and asked for help, I still think I would fail the test…. = =


Today “jiao jiao ” called me again!

She is a awesome friend ~ and she is super smart>”<~

She doesn’t need to review the test, and just plays computer and chats.

But she still get good score = =

She is cute and tall. Everybody likes her!

I know her since middle school!!! im so lucky I met her.

Now im in United State 

im kind of shy….so since she knows my cell phone…

She called me and talk to me when I feel sad and alone…

She is a nice friend!!!!  So does coffee!!!

Today she said, “I feel u r lonely….”

“I do…” I said…

(Then I realized she just manna make sure im ok and happy...)

Glad I have friends who care about me ^ ^


Today I also made a friend called Alyssa.

She is mixed blood-à Japanese and American!!!(I would never know she is Japanese also, she looks just like American…)

Isn’t that cool~~~~?!

Actually I met her when I was in filmmaking class; she was sitting next to me!!

Then we changed the seat, so we never talk!!!

But now we r in first aid, and today I asked her to practice the skill

So we talked a lots today ~ he he~ so happy ^ ^




And when we were eating dinner, something happened!!!

So funny!!

My 1 years old brother walked to the fence (the obstacle for little kids)

And closed it (I always closed it when he tried to get out of the living room)

Then he opened the dog food drawer and took ONE piece of dog food. (Hands too small)

He walked so cute!!! Then he squatted in front of the dog bowl. (He holds that piece of dog food on his small hand)

Then put it in the bowl. He did that again and again

Brian told me, he always take only ONE piece of dog food~~~~


Sasha opened her mouth and ate that piece of food on Nicholas’s hand. That scared him!! He react so cute (a little shaking…)

Then Brian said “hey! Sasha sits!” (so loud..)

That’s scared Nicholas (he thinks dad is angry because he feed the dog)

So he cried a little……>”< and put that piece of food back to the drawer~~

He is soooooo cute!!!


台長: rebecca12163
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