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2009-02-11 10:08:43| 人氣119| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Feb. 10th (funny kids’ love---Valentine’s Day)

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Today I and momo were talking at the school bus.

Then a guy sat in front of me said, “hi~ today is warmer than yesterday. Hum? 

(Is snowing outside… = =)

I said,” nop… = =”

Then momo just like “what? That’s freezing cold today!” (She started playing her hands and pants…)

I just turned face to outside and watched snow…

The guy sat next me…turned face to the window and say nothing…

(nobody wants to keep talking this topic…>”<) -àembarrassed…


The first period, I had pre-school day care!

We had project to do today!!

Valentine’ Day is coming, so we had to help pre-school students made a card.

Then we had a girl called Ellie, she really likes a boy called Cabal.

She made a card for cabal with many pink hearts. (Sweat ^ ^)

Guess what? This little boy’s face turned red and gave that girl a shy smile.

That was so cute!!! They are just 4 years old.

Just like u knows, they are only 4…


After few min.

That little boy didn’t make any cards

But he glued that “love” card on another pink paper and said “this is for mom >w<”


Ha~ha~ha~ha~ha ~!!!!!

That was so funny, everybody in that class laughed!!!


In first aid, we have already finished the skill check!

So we had to make another big project.

That is kind of acting… (Performance…)

Two or three partners in a group, and make an emergency situation up.

It due next Wednesday!

After I found two partners, I, Marina and another girl were talking about our acting class.

We love a game that created from Mr. Foren. àCalled “bus seat”

Two seats in the bus, there are two people sit on the seat.

One of them has to do something to scare another person and let them run away.

Once time, there is a girl who is pregnancy.

She is shy and we didn’t know what she was going to do.

She walked to the seat without any emotion, and sat next to a guy.

Suddenly, she holds her stomach and screamed…

She said, “oh…no… my baby…my baby is coming out… plx help me.”

That guy was panic-stricken, and ran away!!!

That was so funny.



I had a lot of fun today~

Everything is great today~


Life is difficult---from math teacher.

We have to handle many problems by ourselves!!

Do a lot of things, then growing up.

So keep going!

We can make it!


台長: rebecca12163
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2009-02-14 19:30:30
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