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2009-02-28 07:59:31| 人氣98| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

feb. 27th drunk?!

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sasha was crying out of my room at 2 o clock last night...

made me wouldnt sleep....

so when i woke up...i just like..."what happened..?!??!?!?!@"@ "(頭腦根本不清醒.....>"<)

first period i was soooo tired...almost fell asleep...

second period...i was so nervous cuz of my final project...

that is a huge project...

we have already finished all the first aid textbook!!!so we got a new book this week..

teacher said we had to pick a chapter and self-study....>"< (each person!!!!!!!)

then each chapter have a specific day to do the final!!!

do u know what do we need to do????!!!!!

"we have to TEACH whole class what is the chapter talking about?!"


that is so hard for me....

i even have problem in reading whole chapter !!!

how can i do that...............= =

but fine! i will try....nest monday! the last monday for this trimester!!!


anyway....bless me...god...


cuz of the project......i got headache...

confused what to do ....

so in drawing class, i just sat on there and did NOTHING......

and i looked at loudon without any emotion.....= =

this final project we are not supposed to ask loudon for help...


loudon looked at me and said"grab ur chair and sit next to me."

(全班反抗.....不是說不能教痲?= =!!)

loudon asked "u were not like that before...(sit there do nothing..)what happened?!"

"i dont know what to do...."

then loudon helped me to find a direction for me to draw...

i just grabbed my chair and went back next to Jackie...

started drawing~~~~~~~(though im drawing, my brain still blank...haha......>"<)

then of curse..."i mess everything up..." that suck...

brought the picture back to see loudon...

he just yelled and said "r u rebecca?!"

where is my student!!!!then he asked whole class, do u guys see rebecca?!

where is she?!

whole class looked at me.......(尷尬死了...>"<)

after that, loudon said....rebecca,u drunk!!!

u must be drunk!!!!!!

= =+.....what...?!

i even dont know i mess up everything..until loudon told me...haha= =

i supposed to draw 6 alphabets but i draw 4...and i told him i drew 4.....(i was lookding at the picture..)

(where is my soul...飛走了...)


連數學課 我都做得亂七八糟的....哈哈= =


台長: rebecca12163
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