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2005-08-15 11:00:50| 人氣155| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

For my Dear Ann ♥

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My dearest wife,

Happy Birthday, my dear Ann!
I am so excited becuase the "better half" is finally catching up with the "less-than-perfect half" in terms of age, hahahahaa....

I still remember your 20th birthday when we went down to Kaohsiung to celebrate with you and it poured all night so we were all soaked when we finally got to your place. It feels so great and sweet that I get to share most of your life’s wonderful moments together with you. I thank God for guiding us and allowing us to be around with each other whereever we go. I don’t know where will God lead us after we graduate, but I believe that He will have a perfect plan for us, and I want to celebrate your 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91 birthday with you, if God allows. Happy Birthday!!


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