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2007-06-26 09:05:30| 人氣1,856| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

加拿大生日 海灘慶祝PARTY

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Version 1.3- last updated on June 25, 2007

June 30th (Saturday): Canada D’eh Baishawan Beach Party
Time: 1:30 pm to 11 pm
Download the document with Chinese version

Join our beach party to celebrate Canada’s 140th birthday! Everyone is welcome! The Canadian Society in Taiwan (CST) is getting out the barbecues, picnic tables, beer coolers and swimsuits as it returns to Baishawan on June 30 for its famous Canada D’eh beach party. Enjoy a full day (and night) of beach games, great food and drinks, live music. This year’s party will be bigger then ever, with something for everyone.


Tickets are NT$500 at the gate or in advance are $400 (on sale May now). $500 at door, Under 110 cm (under 12 years old) ½ price, Under 90cm (under 6 years old) free. Adult ticket includes 5 drink and food coupons (3 coupons for ½ price kid tickets, no coupons for kids under 6 years old free entry). Hurry, quantities are limited and this event is sure to sell out. Food and drink coupons may be used as follows:

1 coupon = One Coke, Coke Zero,Sprite, Nestea, Apple Juice, bottled water, coffee, ice cream bar, or bag of chips
2 coupons = One hamburger, veggie burger, hot dog, cold Taiwan beer, Smirnoff ice, or glass of wine.

Extra food/drink coupons can be purchased on site for 4 for NT$100.

Buy Your Advance Tickets Now at:

HOLA home furnishing stores throughout Taiwan, Canadian Trade Office in Taipei, The Tavern, Capone’s, Alley Cat’s Pizza, Bar 45, Brass Monkey, Bongo’s, California Grill, CODA, Citizen Cain, Sababa, Capone’s, Cosmopolitan Grill , Canadian Alumni Network, Canadian Education Centre Network, Canadian Society in Taiwan, Carnegie’s, The Diner, ICRT Radio, Grandma Nitti’s Kitchen, J’s Place, Le Sommelier Wine Merchants, or Wine Experience.

時 間: 6月 30日, 2pm – 11pm
地 點: 白沙灣加拿大國慶派對是今年暑假的最新焦點 !!!!

白沙灣、沙灘排球、拔河、BBQ、現場樂隊、猜獎、抽獎 … 等等,全都在今年暑假的加拿大國慶派對中。目前我們急需大量義工來協助我們的準備工作。
在參加派對的 同時, 何不發揮你/妳 的專長,當數小時義工,多認識新朋友呢? 義工將於當天獲得免費 coupons及之後的慶功宴。

目前誠徵義工多名,有興趣者請洽 office@canadiansociety.org


,師大路93巷 中西美食有賣門票!(其他門票地點如上述)


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不要忘記準備沙灘鞋,遮陽帽, 和防曬油!

台長: 飛天馬
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2007-06-27 13:06:19
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