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2007-09-24 09:15:02| 人氣91| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Nulla Salus

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I took this photo today, at my trip.

I really like it, it has some twisted symbolism
sort of ironic, if you will.

The sea looks so calm and peaceful, looks like there is so much freedom in it
and yet there are bars

Don’t you think it looks a bit like a jail cell.

Light is shining just right outside, and yet no one can get close
Salvation is beckoning right outside, and yet I cannot escape

I am constricted by those bars

Nulla Salus!

”I will never be parted from my husband, as we have lived together, so we will die. Together!”

One passenger of the Titanic (1907 - 1912)

台長: CharLIE
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