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2005-09-25 06:53:49| 人氣954| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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**Diary 0912**

I’m in Stirling now,although it’s sunny outside today,

(the day before we leave Edinburgh,it was really cold and rained all the time.)

but I’m not so happy as before,I think I really miss Edinburgh.

I miss my Evelyn,my lovely flatmate,she always cook for me and really took care of me,also we cahted with each other happily.

Funny John & Rebbeca,they are really kind to help us(we three Stirling-nese),and call us ’three sisters’(so funny,because it’s a pub name in Einburgh).We enjoyed our last day with them,share the big meal and drink.

I really love the moment.

Is that a kind of homesick?

I want to talk to Funny John again,

and watch Gisle’s beautiful blue eyes,

I miss Nobu,my dictionary,everytime when I cannot understand what Cathrine said,he always wrote down for me.

Was that a dream?

Or I’m in dream now?Although I live in a beautiful castle house now,

Why I feel not so real ?

Is that a kind of homesick?

(Things and time pass by,I feel much better,but just want to keep that kind of feeling to memorize something and someone really important for me at that time.)

Photo by Mickey in Edinburgh Festival

台長: 小小魚
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