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英檢多益閱讀&聽力訓練(中級/中高級)49: 神奇泥土

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Magic Mud 神奇泥土

1. league n.聯盟 (leag- = _____ = lect 選擇 →選邊站在一起的人們)
2. ritual n.儀式;老規矩 (rit- = _______ 正確的 →應該做的正確事情)
3. shovel n.鏟子 (sho- = sha- = _______)
4. bucket n.水桶 (← ___________ 籃子 = 類似水桶的東西)
5. rub v.摩擦 (← ________ 橡膠 = 可以摩擦的東西)

1. Major League(大聯盟) Baseball teams never use a brand new(全新的) ball out of the box.

So before each home game, Atlanta Braves team manager Chris Van Zant performs the 
same ritual.

2. We rub about eight or nine dozen balls a game. In the ten years, Chris has worked at Turner Field. He says that more than 40,000 new baseballs have passed through his hands.

3. The spit(n.吐口水) may come from the mouths of team managers, but the source of the mud might be baseball's best kept secret.

4. Seven times a year, Jim Bintliff treks(v.艱苦跋涉) to a fishing hole in New Jersey with a shovel and some buckets to gather this, and turn it into Lena BlackBurne's Baseball Rubbing Mud.

5. Jim now owns the company, named for the player and manager who discovered it.

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Magic Mud



1. league n.聯盟 (leag- = _____ = lect 選擇 →選邊站在一起的人們)

2. ritual n.儀式;老規矩 (rit- = _______ 正確的 →應該做的正確事情)

3. shovel n.鏟子 (sho- = sha- = _______)

4. bucket n.水桶 (← ___________ 籃子 = 類似水桶的東西)

5. rub v.摩擦 (← ________ 橡膠 = 可以摩擦的東西)


1. Major League(大聯盟) Baseball teams never use a brand new(全新的) ball out of the 


So before each home game, Atlanta Braves team manager Chris Van Zant performs the 

same ritual.

2. We rub about eight or nine dozen balls a game.

In the ten years, Chris has worked at Turner Field.

He says that more than 40,000 new baseballs have passed through his hands.

3. The spit(n.吐口水) may come from the mouths of team managers, but the source of the 

mud might be baseball's best kept secret.

4. Seven times a year, Jim Bintliff treks(v.艱苦跋涉) to a fishing hole in New Jersey with a

shovel and some buckets to gather this, and turn it into Lena BlackBurne's

Baseball Rubbing Mud.

5. Jim now owns the company, named for the player and manager who discovered it.

台長: 英檢老師 黃湘
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