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2013-07-19 15:53:44
2015-06-24 00:32:13
2011-07-04 11:57:01
2009-03-12 14:02:59
2012-04-16 16:52:28
2009-10-13 03:22:19

「 全民英檢 」99年施測日程表

「 全民英檢 」99年施測日程表初級第一次初試:99/2/7(日)報名:98/11/17~11/25准考證寄發:99 /1/22成績公布:99/3/3初試費用:460初級第一次複試:99/5/1,2,8,9報名:99/3/3~3/11准考證寄發:99 /4/16成績公布:99/6/25複試...

2009-10-08 03:32:44

No one tells me why

No one tells me why I am herewhen I wake upI am in the beautiful worldI like the world because there are many kinds of people whomake me feel surprisedThe world is full of amazing thingsthat I can not...

2009-09-30 00:50:01

Without respect,love cannot go far.愛而不敬不能長久愛讓我們接近但我們也常以愛之名而失去對彼此的尊重因此 爭吵易生故要長長久久還是要彼此敬重呀

2009-09-29 23:58:13



2009-09-25 00:38:24


If nobody loves you, be sure it is your own fault.如果沒有人愛你確定是你自己的錯世人只看到別人的愚卻看不見自己的癡易看到他人的缺點卻看不到自己的盲點如果週遭的人都不愛你那麼必是自己有太多別人不愛的缺點...

2009-09-19 03:05:27

be yourself.

Someone told me:do your best andthen you will not regret. I believe there is a real truththat we must  obey.Believe yourself and be yourself. 

2009-09-14 02:40:07


9月19的初級複試考生別忘了考前的最後衝刺再辛苦也只剩一個星期了希望你們能考出一個好成績否則嘿嘿明年又要重來一次真的大大划不來呀加油Do your best!I know you can make it!  

2009-09-10 03:21:49

I wonder where I am

I wonder where I amI wonder where I amThe sky isred.Thesea isblack.People don't laugh any more.What a terrible world it is!I wonder where I am.I wonder where I am.The wind is chilly.The wind is hot.Th...

2009-09-03 03:06:44


Sorry, I am too busy these days.There are too many things I have to do.So I don't have much time to paymore attention to my blog.That's why I feel sorry.

2009-08-27 04:34:22



2009-08-22 01:08:52


Never make threatsyou cannot carry out.勿虛張聲勢。無實力虛張聲勢到頭來難堪的,苦的依然是自己 

2009-08-19 11:20:31


通過98年8月1 日中級初試榜單恭喜夏翊軒同學以高分通過中級英檢初試:閱讀111聽力107班上同學本次考中級原本我是信心滿滿相信大家一定可以過關沒想到有人當在聽力有人當在閱讀那表示我們的努力依然不足仍要繼續加油才...

2009-08-14 03:09:48

Many people die

I feel sad when I see many people die.  Some are old andsome are young.  They are all gone. No other words can express my feelings except sadness.Some people have no money , no houses and even no...

2009-08-11 04:27:50



2009-08-04 16:01:16


I will not be concerned at men's not knowing me; I will be concerned that I do not know men.不患人之不己知,患不知人也。只要自己有本事別怕別人不知你而反要擔心你不知別人呀 

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