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2007-02-13 23:36:41| 人氣149| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Used- Hard to Say

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”Hard To Say”

The singer finished singing and she`s walking out
The singer sheds a tear, her fear of falling out
And it`s hard to say how I feel today
For years gone by and I cried

It`s hard to say that I was wrong
It`s hard to say I miss you
Since you`ve been gone, it`s not the same

My worries weigh the world, how I used to be
And everything, I`m cold, seems a plague in me
And it`s hard to say how I feel today
For years gone by and I cried

It`s hard to say that I was wrong
It`s hard to say I miss you
Since you`ve been gone, it`s not the same
It`s hard to say I held my tongue
It`s hard to say if only
Since you`ve been gone, it`s not the same

Worse than the fear it`s the lie you told a thousand times before
Worse than a fear it`s the knife
And it`s hard to say how I feel today
For years gone by and I cried

It`s hard to say that I was wrong
It`s hard to say I miss you
Since you`ve been gone, it`s not the same
It`s hard to say I held my tongue
It`s hard to say if only
Since you`ve been gone, I`m not the same
It`s hard to say (God, it`s hard to say)
Since you`ve been gone,
I`m not the same

台長: Bayst*
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