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2008-02-22 23:14:21| 人氣159| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Morrissey- That`s How People Grow Up

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I was wasting my time
Trying to fall in love
Disappointment came to me and
Booted me and bruised and hurt me

But that`s how people grow up
That`s how people grow up

I was wasting my time
Looking for love
Someone must look at me and
See their sunlit dream
I was wasting my time
Praying for love
For a love that never comes
From someone who does not exist

And that`s how people grow up
That`s how people grow up

Let me live
Before I die
No not me
Not I

I was wasting my life
Always thinking about myself
Someone on their deathbed said
There are other sorrows too

I was driving my car
I crashed and broke my spine
So yes there are things worse in life than
Never being someone`s sweetie

That`s how people grow up
That`s how people grow up

That`s how people grow up
That`s how people grow up

As for me I`m okay
For now anyway

我決定存錢去買Morrissey的專輯了 :-D

然後想聽的人很抱歉,老實說我搞不定You Tube的網址
所以請去You Tube搜尋”That’s How People Grow Up”吧!

台長: Bayst*
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