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2016-07-24 14:39:18| 人氣488| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[Challenge] 美味一夏 (步驟分享)

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♥ 相片美編。12" x 12" Layout-DELICIOUS ♥

The photo was taken in a monastery in Hualien, Taiwan, where I and my friend visited in a summer time. The cool colors of the "Marbles" theme reminded me of the feeling when I enjoyed that delicious ice cream bar in hot summer.

(Click on the picture then press the zoom button to the right to see the picture in original size.)

♥ 相編挑戰。Challenges ♥

This 12"x12" layout is based on the following challenges.

➡ Challenge YOUrself - #31

➡ "Lasting Memories" Scrapbook Layout Challenges - LMCB # 300 "Marbles"

➡ The Studio Challenges - 17th July - Summer

♥ 近拍。 Close ups ♥

♥ 步驟。 Tutorial ♥

1. 把照片貼在素色背景紙上,用美工刀在紙張邊緣刮一刮,讓邊邊有復古效果。再用復古印台暈邊。
Stick the photo to a solid color paper, and use a box cutter to scrap the edges of the paper to make it look retro, then paint the edges.

2. 將美編紙裁成 1公分x30.5公分 的紙條,需要4條,然後暈邊,再貼到背景紙的四周。
Cut out 4 paper strips of 1 cm x 30.5 cm each. Paint their edges and stick them around the background.

6. 準備好所有的素材後,開始將照片、花朵、鈕扣、圖卡...等等有層次的黏貼起來。
Get all materials ready, then start to combine them layer by layer.
3. 將照片連主要的物件排好後,用鉛筆在背景紙定位。
Mark the positions of the photo and other materials with a pencil.

4. 先黏最下層的紙張。
Stick the bottommost papers first.

5. 沿著花朵的邊緣切割一部分,讓照片可以卡入其中。
Cut a portion of the flower shape to allow the photo be inserted in.

6. 現在來做一支冰棒。先用花邊剪剪出缺口,像是被咬一口。然後再剪另一張白色紙,貼在後面,像是咬一口後露出來的餡。把它們黏再一起。
Now let's create the ice cream bar. Use a craft scissors to cut out the bitten shape, then cut another white paper and stick it at back.

7. 用厚紙板做冰棒棍。再綁上蝴蝶結。
Create the popsicle stick with a cardboard, and tie a bow on it.

8. 用復古印台將鈕釦上色。
Paint the button.

9. 準備好所有的素材後,開始有層次的黏貼起來。
Get all materials ready, then start to combine them layer by layer.

10. 加上黏土做的文字及說明就完成囉。
Decorate with the title "DELICIOUS", which is made of clay, and add a handwriting description. Layout completed.

♥ 歡迎訂閱老貓的新聞台或加入臉書粉絲頁、社團 ♥
➡ 我的臉書粉絲頁

台長: 老貓
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: 相片美編 |
此分類下一篇:[Challenge] 生日領帶趴 (步驟分享)
此分類上一篇:[Challenge] 假髮+粗框眼鏡+吊帶褲變裝趴 (步驟分享)

Sharon Fritchman
Your layout is fabulous! I love the photo of you and the story behind it! And I especially like how you made your own paper popsicle for your page. Thank you so much for joining us at Challenge YOUrself this month. We are so happy that you did!
2016-07-24 19:01:08
Thank you so much, Sharon. :-)
2016-07-24 19:42:23
Jinny Newlin
That little, homemade popsicle totally steals the show! What a cute page, filled with so many playful elements! Thanks so much for playing along with us in The Studio!
2016-10-07 05:34:47
Thank you so much, Jinny. :-)
2016-10-07 05:56:33
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