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[Challenge] 假髮+粗框眼鏡+吊帶褲變裝趴 (步驟分享)

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 ♥ 相片美編。12" x 12" Layout-Having Fun ♥

The photo was taken at a restaurant where we had a lunch costume party. The theme of the party was "Wig, thick-framed glasses and bib short. We had such a wonderful and joyful time! I was inspired by the colors in Candy Land. So I created a rich and colorful background in my layout. Doesn't it look lively?

(Click on the picture then press the zoom button to the right  to see the picture in original size.)

♥ 相編挑戰。Challenges ♥

This 12"x12" layout is based on the following challenges.
➡ Stuck?!Sketches - July 15 2016 Chalenge 
Stuck?!Sketches - July 15 2016 Chalenge  
➡ "Lasting Memories" Scrapbook Layout Challenges - LMCB # 302 CandyLand 
LMCB # 302 CandyLand  
 ♥ 近拍。 Close ups ♥
This 12"x12" layout is based on the following challenges.

Stuck?!Sketches - July 15 2016 Chalenge

"Lasting Memories" Scrapbook Layout Challenges - LMCB # 302 CandyLand 

♥ 近拍。 Close ups ♥

♥ 步驟。 Tutorial ♥

1. 在氣泡帶上塗上不同的壓克力顏料。 
Paint acrylic of different colors on a bubble bag.

2. 然後將塗滿顏料的氣泡帶貼在背景紙上,壓一壓,讓顏料印在背景紙。
Then press the bubble bag on the background paper to transfer the paint.

3. 把照片貼在素色背景紙上,素色紙撕邊。
Stick the photo to another solid color paper, and tear the paper edges.

4. 用美工刀在紙張邊緣刮一刮,讓邊邊有復古效果。
Use a box cutter to scrap the edges of the paper to make it look retro.

5. 用復古印台將所有的物件暈邊。
Paint the edges of all materials.

6. 準備好所有的素材後,開始將照片、花朵、鈕扣、圖卡...等等有層次的黏貼起來。
Get all materials ready, then start to combine them layer by layer.

7. 加上黏土做的文字及說明就完成囉。
Decorate with the title "Having fun", which is made of clay, and add a handwriting description. Layout completed.

♥ 歡迎訂閱老貓的新聞台或加入老貓的臉書粉絲頁、社團 ♥

台長: 老貓
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