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[Challenge] 生日領帶趴 (步驟分享)

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 ♥ 相片美編。12" x 12" Layout-HAVING A GOOD TIME ♥
I am lucky to have many vigorous and innovative colleagues who always have fascinating ideas for every month's birthday parties. The theme in the photos was "Big tie". Isn't that cute? I was inspired by the rich colors, the square and the shape of snake in the template SNAKES & LADDERS, so I created my layout with those elements.
(Click on the picture then press the zoom button to the right to see the picture in original size.)

♥ 相編挑戰。Challenges ♥

This 12"x 12" layout is based on the following challenges.

➡ Let's GetSketchy -  July Week 3
Let's GetSketchy -  July Week 3

I rotated it 90 degrees to the left to create my layout.

➡ "Lasting Memories" Scrapbook Layout Challenges - LMCB # 301 - "SNAKES & LADDERS"

♥ 近拍。 Close ups ♥

♥ 步驟。 Tutorial ♥

1. 將美編紙裁成 2公分x30.5公分 的曲線紙條,需要3條,然後暈邊,再貼到背景紙的最上方。
Cut out 3 curved paper strips of 2 cm x 30.5 cm each. Paint their edges and stick them to the top area of the background.

2. 用鉛筆在背景紙的中央畫出一個正方形,再畫出2公分x2公分的小格子,然後將裁成2公分x2公分的美編紙交錯的貼在方格裡。
Draw horizontal and vertical lines with 2cm span on the background, then stick patterned paper pieces into interlacing grids.

3. 用筆刷在大方格的區域中塗上Gesso,待乾。
Apply some gesso to the big square area with a brush, and let it dry.

4. 用海綿沾紅、黃、藍和綠色等壓克力顏料,隨意的輕拍,然後再用衛生紙把多餘的顏料吸起來。待乾。 
Randomly apply acrylic of different colors and pat them with a sponge. Use a tissue paper to clear up excess pigment, and let it dry.

5. 將0.3mm寬的緞帶沿著大正方形的邊邊縫。
Sew a 0.3mm ribbon along the edges of the big square area.

6. 把照片貼在素色背景紙上,剪下。用美工刀在紙張邊緣刮一刮,讓邊邊有復古效果。
Stick the photos to a solid color paper, and use a box cutter to scrap the edges of the paper to make it look retro.

7. 準備好所有的素材後,開始有層次的黏貼起來。
Get all materials ready, then start to combine them layer by layer.

8. 加上文字及說明就完成囉。
Decorate with the title "HAVING A GOOD TIME" and add a handwriting description. Layout completed.

♥ 歡迎訂閱老貓的新聞台或加入臉書粉絲頁、社團 ♥
➡ 我的臉書粉絲頁

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