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Sandusky, Ohio

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終於到了老愛回想當初的年紀                                         Finally I'm old enough to the point like to think about the past
今天決定來和大家介紹我玩了三個暑假的美國             Today, I decide to introduce America to you guys, where I spent 3 summers

揭開序幕的是第一次參加美國暑期工讀時被排到的地方     The very first place I want to talk about is where I went for the first summer W&T
Sandusky, Ohio.                                                                            Sandusky, Ohio


Sandusky, Ohio

(維基百科說的  但是我看地圖我覺得他明明屬於偏東部)     According to Wikipedia, it's in the middle west of US but for me it's                                                                                                                closrer to the east

靠近五大湖中的伊利湖 (Lake Erie)                                           It's by Lake Erie, one of the Great Lakes
聽過俄亥俄州的人應該都只聽過克里夫蘭(Cleveland)           For those who has heard of Ohio, might only knows Cleveland
或辛辛那提(Cincinnati)                                                              Or Cincinnati
但其實它的首府是哥倫布(Columbus)....                                  But the Capitol of Ohio is actually Columbus
美國就是這樣讓人摸不著頭緒                                                 America is so confusing lol

Sandusky就在該州接近最上面的位置                                       Sandusky is located at the upper part of Ohio
我覺得是一個很小的鎮                                                              It's a pretty small town for me
不得不說我一開始覺得那簡直是個無聊死人的地方              To be honest, I thought it was middle of nowhere at first
不管到哪裡都要走個15-30分鐘....                                            because it takes at least 15-30 mins by foot
但其實它是個應有盡有的小地方                                             But there is pretty much everything u need in this small place
還有兩大五星級娛樂場所                                                         including two five-star recreation spots
其一是我工作的五星級度假村 Kalahari Resorts.                      One is where I worked: High class Kalahari Resorts
另一個是非常有名而且每年暑假有上百名(應該有吧)           Another is a very famous and with hundreds Taiwanese part-time workers
台灣工讀生的遊樂園 Cedar Point.                                             The amusement park---Cedar Point

Cedar Point 來頭可不小                                                              It's not a small place at all
他在1870年就已經是座遊樂園了                                            Cedar Point founded in 1870
每年吸引百萬人次到訪                                                            and has millions of visitors every year
它還贏過15次"世界最佳遊樂園"票選得"金票獎"                has won the Golden Ticket Award from Amusement Today for "Best                                                                                                               Amusement Park in the World" for fifteen consecutive years.
想當初我還覺得Sandsuky是個鳥地方                                     It's a shame that I thought Sandusky is middle of nowhere.

如果有機會要去那裡的話                                                        If you have a chance to visit
一定要想辦法認識在那工作的台灣學生                                make sure u know some Taiwanese students
因為他們會有免費的票!!!                                                       Cuz they have free tickets!!!

2009年最刺激的兩大設施                                                       The most exciting sites in 2009

但是我那時候有點孬所以我沒有嘗試                                     But i was a coward so I didin't try them
好後悔喔我應該要試的                                                            which I am regret now. I should try it
but it gives me a reason to go back. 

 Cedar Point 裡面有史奴比專賣店                                             And I am not sure why there is Snoopy boutique in Cedar Point

你看這個不知道幾層樓高的東西                                            Look at this big monster
加上有如立體環繞的尖叫聲不斷                                           with as if digital surrounded screaming
臨陣脫逃絕對是當下唯一念頭XD                                         "Fuck it" would be definitely the only thought you will have lol

但是喜歡有點刺激又不會太刺激的朋友                                but if u are looking for something cool but not so scary
一定要去坐這個遊樂園中歷史悠久的"木製雲霄飛車"         make sure you take this historical wooden roller coaster
可是很晃                                                                                    but it shakes really bad

晃到你會覺得都撞到瘀青這樣:(                                              so bad that you will think you bruised

想要溫和一點的話                                                                     If you prefer gentle entertainment
可以去看看他們史奴比的秀                                                     You can watch Snoopy show
(但是我不知道還有沒有...畢竟我上次去是將近四年前的事了)    but Im not sure if they still have it or not cuz it was 4 yrs ago 

有時候還可以碰到史奴比在園區裡面喔!! 記得跟他拍照               And you could meet Snoopy in the park and take pic with it!!

Sandusky 還有電影院, MALL, WALMART以及很多餐廳          There are  movie theateer, mall, walmart, and lots of restaurants in 
其實想想我很幸運                                                                        I am actually very lucky
第一次出國住的地方附近就應有盡有                                        For the first time I work abroad and there is everything I need not too far
靠雙腿就可以到達, 由此可證其實這不是什麼鳥不生蛋的鬼地方    I can get there by walking. So it's not middle of nowhere at all

我工作的KALAHARI RESORTS 號稱有全美最大的室內水上樂園       Kalahari Resorts( where I worked) claims they have the largest                                                                                                                        indoor water park in the States
除了Sandusky之外還有兩個分館在其他州                                             There are two other site in Virginia and Wisconsin

還有會繞到戶外再繞回室內的滑水道                           And water slide goes outdoor and comeback indoor
這非常好玩                                                                      These are fun
大推!!                                                                                strongly recommended!!

這個度假村有幾千個客房                                                              The resort has thousands of rooms
還有室外泳池以及像六福村那樣的Safari動物區                          with outdoor pool and Safari zoo

每個月(?!)還有員工Party                                                                 As I remember, there is employee parties every month
回想起來其實蠻好的                                                                      Not too bad I think

所以如果有人要到Sandusky暑期工讀                                           So if someone is going to W&T in Sandusky for summer
我覺得其實是對初學者XD                                                             I think for the beginners
或未成年又沒駕照的學生而言非常好的選擇                          or minors with no driving license, it's a very good choice
因為即使沒車, 生活所需的吃喝玩樂都可以走路到達            Cuz even with no car, you can still walk to everywhere u need to for                                                                                                               living
或者可以騎腳踏車                                                               or bicycle would be better
原則上很安全也不用擔心休假時沒地方去:)                    and it's pretty safe and you don't have to worry about where to go on your off


                                                                     If there is a chance, I would like to visit Sandusky again
                                                                    Since that's the very first place I visit in the States
                                                                     And it's where my boyfriend was born :)

台長: Aurora
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