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< Daishin Kashimoto Violin Recital >



由於一直期待聽到小提琴獨奏,終於在年末尾聲前參加了這一場。且也終於在今天第一次很清楚地知道樫本大進的實力 ~呵。


穿過中正紀念堂廣場,邊走邊欣賞夜空之際,突然見一群人匆跑上音樂聽階梯準備入場,原以為是什麼旅遊團體,後來才知是一大群音樂系國高中生、愛音樂的學生。當下還心疑,樫本大進是有那麼強嗎? 哈 ~ 哈 ~


曲目的關係,上半場的作品,雖不至於打苛睡,但也讓人覺得沒有什麼起伏。下半場,讓我整個驚豔到一個不行 ~ 閉著眼聽每一個音符,真是一大享受,很細緻又有他內斂的個性,力度的展現及尾音很漂亮。36歲的年齡,生活也有一定的歷練、論技巧、對曲目的理解與詮釋都將步入另一個層面,如果體力維持得當,演奏時就能呈現出最佳狀態。當晚的樫本大進果真強,不愧是愛樂的首席小提琴手。


他的鋼琴搭檔,來自義大利的巴克斯也蠻棒的,很精彩,天衣無縫 ~唯有在同一高度、同一層次才能乘上加乘 ~ 話說,我真的第一次聽到義大利的鋼琴手那麼會彈 ~ 呵。


回應觀眾熱切掌聲的方法,非安可曲莫屬,三首,過癮 ~。




L. v. Beethoven: Violin Sonata No. 6 in A major, Op. 30 No. 1
J. Brahms: Violin Sonata No. 2 in A major, Op. 100

C. Franck: Violin Sonata in A Major


小提琴家樫本大進Daishin Kashimoto (1979.3.27)

三歲在東京開始學習小提琴;七歲移居紐約,以最年輕學生的身份進入茱莉亞音樂學院的預備學校就讀,師從小提琴教母迪蕾(Dorothy Delay)門下,並獲得愛德華.約翰.諾貝爾基金獎學金。之後樫本大進移居德國,分別於呂北克音樂學院跟隨布朗(Zakhar Bron)學琴,以及於弗萊堡國立音樂學院跟隨前柏林愛樂管弦樂團首席庫斯摩爾(Rainer Kussmaul)學習。


1990年移居德國,進入盧貝克音樂學院拜在當今樂壇的小提琴教父與重要音樂大賽評審的Zakhar Bron門下。1993年他獲得第六屆曼紐因國際青少年小提琴大賽首獎,1994年獲得科隆國際小提琴比賽首獎,1996年獲得克萊斯勒國際小提琴比賽首獎,同年並奪得隆.提博大賽有史以來最年輕的冠軍得主。在學習過程中得獎無數,得到了眾多專業人士的肯定,之後便展開獨奏與室內樂的演奏生涯。




曾合作的指揮包括楊頌斯、畢契可夫(Semyon Bychkov)、普拉頌、費多謝夫(Vladimir Fedosseyev)、沃爾夫(Hugh Wolff)、史維塔諾夫、曼紐因、雅諾夫斯基、霍利格、小澤征爾、馬捷爾、席夫(Heinrich Schiff)、杜特華、鄭明勳和泰米卡諾夫。作為一個優秀的室內樂演奏家,他經常與貝許米特、鄭明勳、戈朗、庫斯摩爾、布朗夫曼、明茲、王健、麥斯基等出色的音樂家合奏。


於Sony Classical發行了一張奏鳴曲專輯,並與鄭明勳以及德勒斯登國立歌劇院管弦樂團發行了一張布拉姆斯協奏曲的專輯。2009年起,樫本大進成為柏林愛樂管弦樂團的第一小提琴首席。

When he was three years old, his parents gave him an array of toy instruments: piano, clarinet, flute etc. But the one Daishin Kashimoto liked best was the violin, because it gave him two different "toys" - violin and bow - to use at the same time. And so it also became "his" instrument, on which he had his first lessons from Kumiko Etoh in Tokyo. In 1986 he went to the Juilliard School of Music in New York as a young student in the Pre-College Division; in 1990 - first in the preparatory school, then as a full student - he moved to the Lubeck Musikhochschule. From 1999 to 2004 he was a pupil of Rainer Kussmaul at the Freiburg Musikhochschule.

Daishin Kashimoto, who grew up in Japan, Germany and the USA, has already appeared as a soloist with many international orchestras, including the Boston Symphony, the Orchestre Nationale de France, the Bavarian and Frankfurt Radio Symphony orchestras, the Dresden Staatskapelle and the St. Petersburg Philharmonic. When his musical activities allow him time, the violinist enjoys cooking. He is also a great sports fan, especially of baseball.
Daishin Kashimoto has appeared with several of the world's great orchestras such as the Berlin Symphony Orchestra, the Russian National Orchestra (Mikhail Pletnev), the NHK Symphony Orchestra, the Boston Symphony, Sinfonieorchester des Bayrischen Rundfunk, the Tokyo Philharmonic with Daniel Harding, the Berliner Rundfunk Sinfonie Orchester with Marek Janowski …. He recorded the Brahms concerto with the Staatskapelle Dresden and Myung-Whun Chung for Sony Classical in 2007.

A Japanese national born in London in 1979, Daishin Kashimoto began studying violin in Tokyo at the age of three. He moved to New York and was accepted at the age of 7 by the pre-college division of The Juilliard School as its youngest student and received the Edward John Noble Foundation Scholarship. He then moved to Lubeck, Germany to study with Prof. Zakhar Bron. at the Luebeck Musikhochschule. He continued his studies with Prof. Rainer Kussmaul, former concertmaster of the Berlin Philharmonic, at the Staatliche Hochschule fur Musik in Freiburg, Germany, from which he graduated in 2005.

Daishin gave his first recital in 1988, and in the same year he made his first appearance as a soloist with the New York Symphonic Ensemble in New York. Since then, he has given recitals and solo appearances in major cities of USA, the Far East and in many European countries. He has performed with many internationally renowned orchestras, including the State Symphony Orchestra of Russia, St. Petersburg Philharmonic, Radio Symphony Orchestras of Cologne, Frankfurt and Moscow, Orchestre National de France, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Czech Philharmonic, Bamberger Symphoniker, Vienna and Berlin Symphony Orchestras, NHK Symphony Orchestra, Boston Symphony, under the baton of such great conductors as Mariss Jansons, Semyon Bychkov, Michel Plasson, Vladimir Fedosseyev, Hugh Wolff, Evgeny Svetlanov, Lord Yehudi Menuhin, Marek Janowski, Heinz Holliger, Seiji Ozawa, Lorin Maazel, Heinrich Schiff, Charles Dutoit, Jiri Kout, Myung-Whun Chung, Yury Temirkanov.

Since 2009, he is 1st concertmaster of The Berliner Philharmoniker.
Being an outstanding and passionate performer of chamber music, Daishin is regulalry performing with such artists as Yury Bashmet, Konstantin Lifshitz, Myung-Whun Chung, Itamar Golan, Claudio Bohorquez, Yefim Bronfman, Shlomo Mintz, Tabea Zimmermann, Paul Meyer, Antoine Tamestit, Jian Wang, Eric Le Sage, Misha Maisky, Jing Zhao, and many others.

Daishin is the first prize winner of such renowned competitions as the 6th Menuhin International Junior Violin Competition in England in 1993, the International Competition for Violinists Cologne 1994, and, in 1996, as the youngest winner in history of both the International Fritz Kreisler Violin Competition in Vienna and the Marguerite Long - Jacques Thibaud International Competition for Piano and Violin in Paris. In 1994, Daishin was awarded the Steigenberger Prize and the Davidoff Prize, as well as the Brahms Prize in 1999 in Germany.

In 1999 Daishin Kashimoto signed a worldwide recording contract with Sony Classical and has released sonata CDs with Itamar Golan and the Brahms concerto CD with the Dresdner Staatskapelle and Myung-Whun Chung.



台長: DJ
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