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2013-08-24 23:00:00| 人氣1,995| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

史坦利.克拉克四重奏 Stanley Clarke Quartet

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Bass-Stanley Clarke

Piano-Mahesh Balasooriya(27)

Saxophone-Kamasi Washington



今晚的Stanley Clarke Quartet讚到爆 !! High 翻了 ~ 哈哈 ~




低音提琴較不易被注目到 ~ 除了常用於爵士樂的這四種樂器(當然也可隨意地加入木琴 非洲鼓或其它)很難到它們齊聚一堂之外再來就是曲目與即興是否吸引人。


這場JAZZ音樂會徹底改變我對低音提琴的看法,原來低音提琴是這麼地迷人 ^0^

今晚偏重在快節奏、 愉悅的曲目,超難猜測到底他們是在哪個間奏時換氣的 ~


*低音提琴及Bass- Stanley作了很多彈撥跟拉弓及敲擊 ~ 同時也一直用腳踏著拍子 ~ 當四種樂器同時上場時,每種樂器的音色不僅可以聽得清楚,彼此之間的和諧也讓人驚呼 ~ 拍子超乾淨 ~ Stanley JAZZ靈魂與風格一覽無遺。

*鋼琴手的古典底子深厚 ~ 雙手游走在黑白琴鍵上的速度快卻細緻得很,快接近尾聲的一小段舒情鋼琴JAZZ讚到爆。他自己也非常enjoy在演奏裡 ~身體超有節奏的 ~ ~

JAZZ鋼琴手如果沒有實力是很難說服喜歡古典或現代音樂的樂迷的,Mahesh的琴音可讓我起了疙瘩 ~ 超棒 !

想到『海上鋼琴師』鬥琴的那一幕 ~


*薩克斯風 高音飽滿又超美 ^0^ 一直以來喜歡小號,不喜歡薩克斯風的,也因為這樣猶豫好久才決定要不要來聽這場音樂會 ~ well,只能說,喜歡今晚的薩克斯風 ~ 吹奏技巧好又有格調(音色) ~ 呵呵。

*鼓手 雖才18 ~ 雖從鼓聲中仍感受得到出血氣方剛,但在擊鼓、 腳踏的速度技巧上算是成熟,有他自己的風格,假以時日 ~ 他一定會是鼓王 !!

包括安可曲在內,整整2小時完全是熱場氛圍 ~ 台灣的Jazz樂迷真的不少~ 且大家的耳朵很專業 ~ 呵。

謝謝今晚美麗的Jazz音樂會 ^0^


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 8/24 兩廳院-國家音樂廳


獲得20112012年連續兩屆葛萊美獎肯定的史坦利.克拉克在爵士樂壇影響力超過30年。坐擁超過40 張專輯的他,屢次創下唱片銷售白金記錄,是史上第一位以貝斯手樂團主奏身份巡迴世界演出的爵士樂手,也是首位同時能駕馭低音提琴與電貝斯的樂手,更是樂評公認的電貝斯之神與Fusion先驅。 

他發明了高八度低音吉他(piccolobass guitar)與次中音低音吉他(tenor bass guitar)兩樣樂器。70年代至今,克拉克曾合作的樂手包含:Quincy JonesStan GetzDextor Gordon Paul McCartneyStevie WonderHerbie HancockChick CoreaMiles Davis等都是爵士樂與流行樂界鼎鼎大名的人物。他的演奏快速卻準確,深受CharlesMingus影響,首次來台將以擅長的節奏藍調與搖滾爵士帶來濃厚的靈魂味道,強烈渲染力絕對讓現場觀眾high翻天! 

演出者:貝斯/史坦利.克拉克 Stanley Clarke,bass、鋼琴/瑪希許.巴拉索里亞 MaheshBalasooriya, piano、鼓/麥可.米契爾Michael Mitchell, drums、薩克斯風/卡瑪希.華盛頓 Kamasi Washington, saxophone 

■   2013 StanleyClarke Scholarship / Friday, March 1, 2013


MusiciansInstitute has announced the opening of the application period for the2013 Stanley Clarke Scholarship, created to honorthe best, brightest and most talented musicians at the school. Five finalistswill be selected to perform in the Concert Hall on Aug. 8 where two grand prizewinners will be chosen by Clarke and a panel of judges, who in the past haveincluded George Duke and Stewart Copeland.


Pastwinners have gone on to varied and colorful careers in music.  Zech Hogan(2011) plays drums for Melanie Taylor and is currently recording music for anupcoming TV show for CBS.  Raffaele Diomaiuto (2007) toured the U.S. and worked as a session guitarist in Los Angeles before returning to Italy where he teaches music.Current drum student Henry McDaniel won last year’s scholarship and hasembarked on several tours with Clarke and jazz legend George Duke.


Clarkedeveloped the scholarship in 2000 and has helped to develop the MusiciansFoundation where he sits on the Board of Directors and has donated $12,000(matched by MI) every year since its inception.


Thefoundation is a nonprofit organization that has raised over $1.5 million since2004 for scholarships and endowments reserved for MI students.  It alsofinances and provides resources for music education around Los Angeles and engages LAUSD students withan ongoing class series at The Grammy Museum.


In2009, Musicians Institute recognized Clarke’s lifetime achievements in musicand efforts for the foundation with an honorary Doctor of Music degree duringthe spring commencement ceremony.  Foundation Executive Director and MIVice President Beth Marlis presented the degree and spoke to Clarke’s perseverancein creating opportunities for talented, dedicated musicians.


“Thisis such a fantastic relationship, Stanleyis a great advocate and cheerleader for MI,” Marlis said. “He walks the walkand really wants to support the next generation.”


CurrentMI bachelor and associate degree students interested in the scholarship areeligible to submit a DVD of 2 tracks, one accompanied and one solo,highlighting their talents and performance abilities. 


Thedeadline for all submissions is July 15.


Thousands of listeners heard the unnamed producer swearing at a jazzmusic recording.

Theincident happened on the early morning programme Morning Reports on Radio 5Live on Saturday. At 5.42am, during a sports round up, listeners heard theunidentified voice say “f****** trumpet”.

Thespeaker continued: “It drives you mad that f****** Stanley Clarke.”

Itappears the producer was listening to a recording by Stanley Clarke, anAmerican jazz musician and composer, and was unaware that his own voice wasbeing broadcast.

Clarkeis known for playing double bass and bass guitar, but trumpeters feature insome of his album tracks.

A BBCspokesman said: “We apologise that an inappropriate piece of audio material wasbroadcast on Radio 5 Live this morning and for any offence caused to ourlisteners.”

Lastmonth the BBC announced that a veteran continuity announcer was leaving his jobonly weeks after he used the f-word live on Radio 4. Peter Jefferson, 64,stumbled over his words while reading a trail for the programme 'Archive on 4’, saying: “Archive on Friday ... on Four onSaturday at eight ... f***.”

Openmicrophones are an ever-present threat for live broadcasters.

JulieEtchingham, the newsreader, made an embarrassing on-air gaffe in 2007 when shewas overheard on Sky News mocking Conservative leader David Cameron immigrationplans as “extermination”.

RonAtkinson, the football pundit, was forced to quit in disgrace in 2004 after hecombined racism and profanity by calling Marcel Desailly, the Chelsea captain, a “------- thick -------”during a Champions League match, when he believed his microphone to be switchedoff.

ThePrince of Wales slipped up in 2005 during a photo call on holiday in 2005, whena microphone caught him whispering his views on Nicholas Witchell, the BBCRoyal correspondent, saying: “I can’t bear that man. I mean, he’s so awful.”



台長: DJ
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2013-08-31 16:37:58
外面的音樂行比較找不到~ 國家音樂廳平面一樓的音樂行有在賣..^0^
2013-09-02 12:23:24
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