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2008-01-17 13:21:19| 人氣91| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Don’t be jealous if you live inland 十一月天的海邊, 像話嗎

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Not crazy about water sports, I don’t usually go to the beach. Cousin Tom’s family went to Huntington Beach with another family on Thanksgiving weekend. Why not? So I followed.

我幾乎是不去海邊玩得; 趁著表哥一家與他們的朋友兩家人在感恩節過後去 Huntington Beach, 我也就湊熱鬧去啦!

People grow up with certain concepts and it is sometimes very hard to adapt to new idea. It happens to me especially after I started to study in the US. One thing is that: it has been rooted in my brain the ”beach” is for summer; it’s too cold in winter and nobody (or barely any sane person) goes to beach at that time.
However, look at this November beach in Southern California.

從小根深蒂固的觀念, 海邊是夏日的活動區, 怎麼也想不到, 十一月天的沙灘是如此的人氣旺盛
Well, 這是加州, 有得天獨厚的陽光與沙灘!

If you have a turck, you can take your bikes with you. There are roads for biking and walking. Or, you can rent all kinds of bikes for you, or your whole family.

如果家裡有腳踏車, 可以自己載過來; 不然的話也有出租店, 不同形式的腳踏車, 價錢不一, 有的可坐一家人

* Such a nice way to spend an afternoon. 好悠閒呀!

* There are several entrances to get into the beach; it is so neat that art is integrated into the struture. 其中一個入口處, 很可愛呢!

* I want to jump up to the whale tale ; oh, what? I maybe too old for that?
我也好想玩, 不過我太大了點吧! ? 還是看孩子玩比較可愛

”Everyone, line up!” 排隊, 立正!

* Oh, no, you are cutting in. Bad boy! 厚, 你插隊!

* Wait, there is more line. 我們也排得很好!

(to be continued / 待續)

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台長: Muriel

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