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2008-01-08 17:07:22| 人氣143| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Lawn Bowling in San Diego / 聖地牙哥最特別的午後 (II)

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* 不錯吧! 有模有樣, 英姿煥發! Look at me, not bad, huh?

如何比賽呢? 有兩對人馬, 隊長叫做 Skip, 當其他隊員在mat這一邊滾球時, 隊長在 jack 這一邊指揮。等隊員們都輪流丟完球, 隊長會到 mat 這邊, 換隊員到 jack 這邊來指揮隊長。

So how do you compete? Say there are 2 (to 4) people in team A; 2 (to 4) in team B (same number of players). The team captain is called Skip. While the rest of team members roll the bowls at the mat end, Skip will stand close to the jack end and directs his/her teammates’ next bowl. After the players finish their turns, they will walk to the jack end while 2 Skips will move to the mat and roll their bowls towards jack.

我問 Don 說有時候保齡球會撞到 jack, 怎麼辦? 他說要等到全部的人都滾完之後再看距離, 所以一開始很靠近 jack, 並不表示最後還是很靠近。

Sometimes bowls will hit the jack and push it over, so even though your bowl appears to be closest to jack at the beginning of the game, it may not at the end.

至於得分如何算? 假設這一回合結束時, 最近 jack 的是甲隊的球, 則甲隊得一分; 如果第二近的也是甲隊的, 甲隊再得一分; 甲隊會一直得分, 直到下一個靠近的球是乙隊的, 乙隊則一分也沒有; 這樣通常可玩到21回合再統計總分 (不過並不是每個地方都要玩21回的) 。

As for scoring, if the closest bowl to jack is by a team A member, team A scores 1. Team A will score 2 if the second closest one is also by a team A member. If the 3rd one is by team B, then team A only gets 2 whereas B doesn’t score at all. If the 2nd one is by team B, team A only gets 1 point. And then the exercise starts over when someone rolls the jack, players roll bowls from the mat while Skips give directions . . . The exercise is repeated for the next end, a game of bowls typically (not always) being of 21 ends.

* 一回合結束時, 用這個像大掃把的東西把散落四處的球掃在一起, 就不用彎腰撿的很辛苦
Once one end is finished, this bloom-ish thing is used to gather all bowls.

(much info taken from Wikipedia)
* Don playing
* 計分板 Score board
* One of the Skips – he saw me with camera and posed. He really enjoyed himself!
* Several games can take place on the same green simultaneously.
* ”How to Play,” printed by the Club / 俱樂部有印發”如何打球”的小單子

當我往停車場走時, 請一位小姐幫我拍照, 拍完後她說她的影子也出現在照片中, 因為夕陽西下影子被拉長了, 並要再幫我拍一張, 然後我們開始聊了起來; 她的名字是Christin, 我告訴她我剛剛玩了草地保齡球, 她直嘆驚奇。

By the time I walked towards the parking lot, the sun was setting. I asked a lady to take a photo of me with the building. After she did, she told me that her shadow was in the photo, too, and offered to take another shot. We started to talk. Her name is Christin. When I told her I was just playing lawn bowling with the gentlemen, she was amazed for she has never done it before.

後來她男朋友騎完腳踏車過來, 我得知他在廣播公司上班, 主播棒球, 所以他也知道阿民今早拿到第十八勝, 真巧; 我還請他們推薦要到哪兒玩, 他們說可以去Torrey Pine State Reserve, 請拭目以待下一篇文章。

Her boy friend met us after riding bike, and I was surprised to know that he works for a radio station and broadcasts baseball. He knew that Chien-ming Wang just got his 18th win this morning, too. I also asked them to recommend places to visit in San Diego. They told me to visit Torrey Pine State Reserve, which will be my next blog . . .

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台長: Muriel

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