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2007-04-11 22:44:13| 人氣54| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

incumbent 義不容辭 & lay 外行ㄉ

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it is incumbent 義不容辭upon scholars and lay 外行ㄉ audiences alike to attend to the information and ideologies reperesented in mass media portrayals of health issues.

It is it is incumbent upon producers and lay consumers alike to make sure the safety of the product.

台長: Mtk & Lmm
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Mtk & Lmm
It is incumbent upon the governmental officials and lay civilians alike to attend to the global warming issues.
2007-04-16 20:14:44
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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