The first seven lines of King Lear are extremely important; so Shakespeare took care his audience couldn’t mi...
發表時間:2007-01-15 13:11:58 | 回應:0
Part of what is unique and important about them is that the positive images are just as flat as the negative i...
發表時間:2007-01-12 00:26:47 | 回應:0
I should translate the title to be fair to the fact that the entire rest of the text is translated.
He sh...
發表時間:2007-01-09 22:54:02 | 回應:1
The work which began December 18 is slated
for completion the end of March, barring any extensive periods of...
發表時間:2007-01-09 22:52:12 | 回應:0
Hamlet’s conversation with the ghost of his father in Act I, scene v will be a grotesque recapitulation 重述要...
發表時間:2006-12-31 04:05:09 | 回應:0
You get paid for doing nothing, and it all adds up to nothing.
His effort for long all adds up to nothin...
發表時間:2006-12-06 10:13:08 | 回應:1
What provides the common denominator to Strindberg’s diverse activities, is the restless drive to seek out ye...
發表時間:2006-12-03 09:40:53 | 回應:1
Some well-meaning teachers do their pupils grave disservice by making them to read a play when a student is ab...
發表時間:2006-11-20 08:41:41 | 回應:1
Just as Biblical passages about love and healing have earlier been given a sinister twist, so now references t...
發表時間:2006-11-18 04:29:26 | 回應:1
The term "psychiatry" was not yet in use, but I will use it here as an easily recognizable shorthand.
發表時間:2006-11-15 04:27:07 | 回應:2
She responds in an elliptical manner, neither consenting nor condemning his offer.
** elliptical (橢圓形、...
發表時間:2006-11-14 04:33:18 | 回應:1
As a backup precaution, Claudius poisons the victory cup in case Hamlet wins.
As a backup precaution, he o...
發表時間:2006-11-11 06:59:51 | 回應:1
He may have thought taht was a well-aimed insult.
well-aimed: 存心的
She may have figured that was a wel...
發表時間:2006-11-09 11:04:36 | 回應:1
In so doing, they cue the audience into how it should interpret the situations unfolding before it.
In so d...
發表時間:2006-11-05 23:29:14 | 回應:1
The modern spirit runs through a gamut of (全部;全音域) genres.
Her humor runs through a gamut of her work...
發表時間:2006-11-03 13:11:03 | 回應:1