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2006-10-09 06:19:25| 人氣27| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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put ..issue at the forefront of sb’s (public) consciousness

During 50s and early 60s, several events transpired to put the racial issue squarely at the forefront of public consciousness.

During her leisure time, several reminiscences loom large to recall the past confusions squarely at the forefront of her consciousness.

台長: Mtk & Lmm
人氣(27) | 回應(1)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

Mtk & Lmm
During his working days, several events transpired to put his talentlessness squarely at the forefront of public consciousness.
2006-10-10 10:47:13
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