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2006-10-07 09:49:05| 人氣30| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

ideological buttress to....

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These conceptions of the underclass provide an ideological buttress to the minimal state.

These conceptions of greediness provide an ideological buttress to the debate movement against the president.

台長: Mtk & Lmm
人氣(30) | 回應(1)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

Mtk & Lmm
這句我看不懂。但我覺得你應該是寫provide an ideological buttress to.. 比較合適吧…@@

The justification of massive violence provide an ideological butress to the aimless social movement.
2006-10-09 06:22:40
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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