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2007-10-22 08:08:32| 人氣139| 回應0 | 下一篇


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Miss Hong : Hey, what’s that on your face? Are you growing a beard?
Geek: Well, not really, I just haven’t shaved for a few days.

It seems that all the men in the world got designer stubble.

Designer Stubble 有型的短鬍子
定義--Some men keep their beard at a very short length all the time to be fashionable. This is called ”designer stubble”.
财 Can you think of any famous men who have stubble? 迳 David Beckham’s got designer stubble.
财 Stubble is an uncountable noun, so we say ”some stubble”, not ”a stubble” or ”stubbles”.
财 what’s the difference between a beard and stubble?--> stubble is the very short beard you get if don’t shave for a few days.

A: Oh, get off! Stop kissing me!
B: What’s wrong? I’m your boyfriend!
A: Well, I like the way it looks, but not the way it feels.
Your stubble really hurts my face! Have a shave!

1. grow a beard 留鬍子
2. He got designer stubble.他留有型的短鬍子
3. shave one’s beard 刮鬍子
4. designer shoes / designer clothes / designer furniture / designer house

台長: Miss Hong
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