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2007-11-20 22:56:50


Between you and me.不要告訴別人喔 something that you say when you are going to tell someone something you do not want them to tell anyone else 例如--Between you and me,I think Brien is very han...

2007-11-20 22:52:52
2007-11-20 22:44:28


You bet your (sweet) ass! 用你的屁屁來打賭=我敢打包票/我保證 something that you say in order to emphasize what you have said You bet your ass I feel bad about her leaving. You can bet your sweet...

2007-11-20 22:34:24


If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.只給花生當然只能得到猴子囉~~一分錢一分貨 something that you say which means that only stupid people will work for you if you do not pay very much. ’This com...

2007-11-20 22:19:16


He is the apple of his dad’s eye.他是爸爸的最愛 the apple of sb’s eye 某人所鍾愛又感驕傲的/ 某人的最愛 定義--the person who someone loves most and is very proud of 例如 1.His youngest son...

2007-11-19 13:58:21


A leopard can’t/doesn’t change its spots.牛牽到北京還是牛=狗改不了吃屎(諺語) something you say which means a person’s character, especially if it is bad, will not change, even if they pretend it d...

2007-11-19 13:54:05

AWOL 不告而別

Absent Without Leave =AWOL 不告而別 A military originated term which is often shortened to AWOL. Not present without permission is what this term has come to mean.

2007-11-19 09:21:26


on the road / on the street 馬路 take a walk =go for a walk 散步 -->take a walk along the street crossroad 十字路 traffic lights=traffic sign 紅綠燈 jaywalking=croass a street illegally 亂穿越...

2007-11-19 08:54:58


高中聽英文老師說學英文要用英英字典,要大家買牛津雙語字典, 我當時抄傻的,亂亂抄,不懂截取重點,抄得很不爽,順手在筆記本上發表一下不滿,結果誇張的英文老師,那個外號EVERYDAY(矮肥短)竟然要帶我去見校長.... 從此...

2007-11-18 20:10:28


Your fly is open.喂~你褲子的拉鍊沒拉 fly就是褲子上蓋住拉鍊的那塊布

2007-11-18 20:06:06

閃啦~ 溜鳥俠

溜鳥俠~~不要在這露鳥 This is a family place. Put the mouse back in the house. Phebe 的新朋友不愛穿內褲卻只愛穿運動短褲...每當坐下來又大大張開腿. 一天在cafe上演同樣戲碼, 大家苦於對他啟齒,老板端來...

2007-11-18 19:56:47


PHOE: We went dancing the other night and the way he held me so close, and the way he was looking into my eyes I just like... definitely felt something. RACH: Yeah, but how much can you tell from a...

2007-11-18 18:49:59


wash your mouth out 把你的嘴洗乾淨 Someone who has used a swear word might be told, humorously, to wash their mouth out (with soap, soapy water, etc.). 阿度仔用肥皂水處罰說髒話的嘴 聽說台灣的校...

2007-11-18 17:56:32


The cake makes my mouth water. You make my mouth water.(嘿! 嘿! 嘿!) make 使役動詞+原V water--(V)流水,澆水 make sb’s mouth water If the smell or sight of food makes your mouth water, it make...

2007-11-18 17:50:24


總統今天竟然說髒話!! 一個人做錯事先自我檢討反求諸己 如果你做錯事,自己責怪自己( I’ve got only myself to blame ) If you have (got) only yourself to blame, only you are responsible for something ...

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