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2007-11-25 21:22:52


You’re asking for trouble.你在自找麻煩 be asking for trouble 定義--to behave stupidly in a way that is likely to cause problems for you 例如--Drinking and driving is just asking for troubl...

2007-11-25 21:20:33
2007-11-25 21:14:23


There’s no such thing as a free lunch.天下沒有白吃的午餐 something that you say which means that if someone gives you something, they always expect you to give them something or to do something fo...

2007-11-25 21:12:28


empty nest syndrome 空巢症候群 the sad feelings which parents have when their children grow up and leave home--父母在小孩長大離家,那種空虛的家的感覺 例如--The last of her children had recen...

2007-11-25 21:09:27


Empty vessels make the most noise.滿瓶不動半瓶搖 something that you say which means that people who talk a lot and frequently express their opinions are often stupid 沉穩之人不多言;多言者多是蠢言 ...

2007-11-25 21:02:57
2007-11-25 20:06:21
2007-11-24 22:17:32


I have been such a bitch to you.我一直對待你很壞

2007-11-24 20:55:44


Will you tag out this for me?幫我把(衣服)尺寸標籤牌或價錢標籤牌拿下來 price tag 價錢牌 name tag大公司員工身上掛的名牌

2007-11-22 23:47:01


go in one ear and out the other 左耳進右耳出=馬上就忘記 If you say that something you hear goes in one ear and out the other, you mean you quickly forget it: 例如--If I have to listen to somethi...

2007-11-22 23:42:58


powder my nose 補補鼻上的粉=女人想上廁所的委婉說法 a polite or humorous way of saying that you are going to go to the toilet: 例如--Would you get me another drink while I go and powder my nose?

2007-11-22 23:15:50


teach your grandmother to suck eggs (英國諺語)教阿嬤吸蛋=班門弄斧 to give advice to someone about a subject that they already know more about than you

2007-11-22 23:11:41


Not on your life! 這輩子休想 said as a way of strongly refusing someone’s suggestion or request: "So you’re going to marry me, are you?" "Not on your life!" Not on your life! =When pig f...

2007-11-22 23:03:20


Oh, gross! gross =extremely unpleasant: 例如 "Oh, gross!" she said, looking at the flies buzzing above the piles of dirty plates.

2007-11-22 08:54:07


Answering Machine 電話答錄機 [Phone ringing . . .] Bill: Hey, this is Bill. I’m sorry I’m not in. Just leave a message. [Beep] Hey Bill. This is Hank. I’m just calling to let you know that...

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