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2006-12-12 06:46:19| 人氣131| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

FORD Mustang GT

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For forty years, Ford Mustang represents the spirit of America. It is a sports car loved by both male and female, cared for by both white and blue collar workers, lust over by 16 years olds and 86 years olds. It captured everyone’s heart and desire.

The latest iteration of Mustang GT is the best ever in Mustang history. It’s great-looking, the ride is excellent, and it sounds great. It is perfectly content to cruise on the highway. But, to fully explore the capability of this Mustang, we head to the race track.

Threading through the race track with the mighty V8 engine roaring, one can almost forget he is actually piloting a street car. The 300 horses produced by the 4.6L V8 engine catapult the car forward. The car obeys every input from the driver through the steering wheel and the throttle. With the help of the TCS, even an inexperienced driver can go through the curves fast and safely. Switching off the TCS, an experienced driver can slide through the tight hairpin with a controlled drift. The chassis is perfectly balanced for such tasks.

After forty years of evolution, the Mustang is better than ever.

台長: Mike O’Lee
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