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I was just thinking base hits

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It is amazing how some baseball players are so humble sometimes.


Gaudin, who I've come to really admire, seems to always put it in an “I'm just here to help” way.


Alex, who tied today's game with a 2-run homer in the 9th, said, “I was just thinking base hit—hit the ball hard somewhere—and, uh, you know, went to the seats.”


Mark Tex, who ended the game with a big shot to the left, said, “I thought I hit a double right there, because of the top-spin.”


By the way, he himself ended up with a pie in the face. That’s “good rewarded” for you.




P.S. 如果Johnny跟我同年同班的話,我會覺得他是一個非常可靠的夥伴。







I knew it!


Well, I’d like to say “I knew it,” but actually, I didn’t, no one did. No one could have known that with Gardy on third and one-out, we’d end up scoreless. And no one could have known that with the bases loaded, no outs, we could pitch ourselves out of trouble.


Well, to be precise here, it’s the defense and Robertson that got us out of trouble.





I just love this one. You can see Swish, CC, Robbie, Pettitte and Molina, all in their typical-smiling-face here. Just great (would be better if AJ's in this too, though.)





"There's nothing perfect in this game." said Girardi.

不過這大概就是為什麼這場比賽這麼精彩。有時候轉變就在那一瞬間。當八局下結束我們卻仍然落後兩分的時候,我坐在電視前面心都涼了。九局下我根本不敢看,A-rod卻把一記直接送進球場正上方的夜空中,而看著Alex和Mark雙雙跨過本壘,我居然就決定了要永遠愛A-rod。在十局下,Gardy在三壘,我幾乎確定我們會贏了,Damon一擊平飛球卻直接飛給了游擊手。十一局上,Robertson上來,我根本不知道該怎麼想。對方滿壘之後,周遭的空氣似乎都凝結了。但這年輕的傢伙居然完全沒有失分。十一局下,大家都在期待著walk-off,而Mark,在球季中從來沒有walk-off過的Mark,擊出了——Is it a foul? Is it a double?——不!是個walk-off home run!看著那球飛,看著全場觀眾激動的站起來,我根本無法假設,直到主播說出了「It's...gone!」我才發現,我們贏了!我們一下up,一下down,一下déjà vu all over again,最後終於贏了。

"Emotions are up and down and all around" said Girardi.

這場球賽的另一個焦點就是左外野審的誤判。有人說,如果沒有誤判,雙城應該會贏,也有人說,沒有誤判,洋基還是會贏。身為一個Yankees fan,我覺得我們運氣好,但整場比賽也不是只有一次誤判,好球帶也不太確定,所以要說到底哪方受惠呢?有人說,現在科技這麼發達,我們還要裁判做什麼呢?就棒球本身來說吧,不管我們能夠依據多少的數據,最後還是看那場球賽,那個瞬間,場上的人怎麼動作。我們儘管去計算吧,從這場比賽就可以知道,沒有什麼是能預測的。那才是棒球好看的地方。

"Instant classic." said Mr. Goldman.

"What a game." said everyone.



http://deepinthered.mlblogs.com/archives/2009/10/hungry-hearts.html (Hungry hearts--by Jerome Preisler)

一篇非常好的文章,講從90's結束之後的Yankees fans慢慢失去信心,到現在慢慢重新愛上09年的Team。

"We have fallen for this team..."


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpWAl8C0H0A (Hot N Cold--The Baseballs (cover))




台長: Mo (Jo Jo) Rill
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