(Andy Roddick, runner-up of Wimbledon 2009, the American)
The man I knew from early years
Faded into the meadow of green
Young breaths and the naïve of faces
Persisted, yet arms steady, words unseen
Explode not the straightness in your eyes
Amid the curves of swings and bounces
Twinging knee and white, draining cap
You summoned all forces that were found
The long hours of circulation
The distance to persevere
Glaring were the sunlight
And that moment
Thousands sighed
The grasses grown to be killed
They remained green and wordless
Yet there he stood, tall and certain
Applauding, and pledged his return
他真是讓人驚訝。My! How you've grown.
賽後訪問他的記者說「The sport is just so cruel, sometimes.」
其實他看起來很呆,笨笨的樣子(娃娃臉,像小孩子一樣,還跟模特兒結婚...好啦,這些都沒有關連,他太太很漂亮)網前也沒有Federer靈活(的樣子)。我以前對他的印象就是發球很強,力道大,直來直往,但不是很聰明 (可能是因為長相吧XD)。鱉說他以前脾氣很不好,來回抽球一久就會不穩,前一兩年打的很不好(不過他還曾經是世界第一呢,可見他球發的多好XD)。不過他這次來,感覺就很不同了。球評說,他這次溫布頓十分令人驚喜,還說他definitely a different player from 2005 (聽說他的教練改變了他的飲食和睡眠習慣...Wow.)。幾乎沒有情緒起伏 (當然也可能是太緊張),幾乎沒有「yes!」握拳,只是每次打完都要把袖子拉高一點。反而是Federer幾次Challenge都Way off弄的他有點受影響。Andy阿,真的很棒 (還打敗了Murray哈哈...對不起,英國人,他長得很奇怪...)。
不過,無論如何,我是很為Federer高興的。打破了Pete Sampras的記錄阿,真是不簡單 (所以球王都是粗眉毛...可以擋住流下來的汗水吧) 。Andy也沒讓他輕鬆的過去阿,打了五盤,最後一盤16比14,天阿,要不是Andy後發球,Federer會打得更辛苦吧 (Andy: "Sorry Pete, I tried to hold him off...")。
(他很難過阿,他已經打這麼好了還... 而且他大概覺得自己有機會吧,我也覺得他有機會,只是真的運氣不好。)
噢...... 真是......
"For once a roomful of journalists were lost for words. There was nothing they wanted to ask Andy Roddick because every question felt too ghoulish."
Allons-y Andy! ¡Muy bien! Hasta luego.
Go! Roger. And, don't kiss that cup! Ew! (那上面絕對很多細菌的,真的)
Ah, anyway.