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2009-09-16 21:44:32| 人氣259| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Life-changing Guide

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Some time in the summer of 2007, a book flew from the other end of the Galaxy into my life. It’s a book like no other I had read, and it lured me into the world of the cosmos to a point of no return.


     One day, Judy, a friend of mine, told me that I had to read this “awesome book.” The book was unique from the title on. It’s called The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and it’s about two humans’ journey hitchhiking after the earth is destroyed. The high-tech alien ship they are on can bring them anywhere with a press of the button. The only problem is that they can’t control the destination, so every landing is a complete surprise, with surprising alien sports, alien technology, and even alien mathematics. Yet amid the seemingly random creativity of the author, Douglas Adams, there are in fact hidden mocks and sarcasm towards the real world. In other words, it’s a book with life lessons wrapped in clever imagination.


     The Guide taught me lots of things, but it is the concept of the universe that changed my life. The grand and wondrous cosmos portrayed in this book brought me to join the Earth Science Club in high school, and from then on, learning about astronomy, and eventually teaching freshman club members about it, became a major part of my life. And the more I learn, the more I wish to travel beyond the solar system, just like the two characters in the book did.


     The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy told me that, basically, this is a universe big enough for anything to happen. It was in this book that I first witnessed the power and infinity of literature, and it was this book that made me fall in love with planets and stars. Since then, my views of the world on earth have never been the same again.




台長: Mo (Jo Jo) Rill
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actually i said there was an awesome movie,Generally speaking, the book changed my life by changing my best friend's life...gee
2009-09-26 21:51:31
(So, the book changed my life again by changing my life and then changing your life?)
2009-09-27 12:57:34
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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