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2009-02-07 03:57:44| 人氣93| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Darkness of the Night

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When you accidentally pass the time-mark of "late" awake, you hear, sitting next to a window, things.  They who rarely try to emerge under the grace of daylight are foreign to me. Woman’s sudden shouting, people fiercely quarreling, and, sometimes, ominous "bang" noises the Night presents. My floats of thoughts, also, the Night draws. But see just how foolish they are. So few and unrealistic, they don't even deserve attention, left alone be shields against the Darkness. I fear what the Darkness might bring. Though I know fear is our true enemy, ally of the Darkness, the unknown and uncertainty of its nature I still wonder, with scare. What will happen on the roads toward Future, where people will walk with both Light and Darkness at hand? What will be thrown to the travelers of life, and when is the right time to brace ourselves?

The Night is a time of possibilities, good and bad, we just have to wait and see.



台長: Mo (Jo Jo) Rill


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2009-02-09 16:10:09
呵呵 熬夜加上星際大戰
The Dark side of the Force blah blah
2009-02-10 01:23:05
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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