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2016-11-30 22:32:23| 人氣715| 回應1 | 上一篇

[ Food ] Dinner at Yayoi彌生軒-南京松江店

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Last Friday night, we visited Yayoi 彌生軒 in is 南京松江 store, which is located near my wife's office. My wife has been considering to have a meal there for a long time, last Friday was just the perfect day for dinner.

The store is bright and clean. I admire its wood-based decoration, giving me a warm and fresh feel.
I was amazed at the ordering system on iPad. We can use iPad to order food on menu.
It's cool, but I still prefer to read menu in paper version.
We order two dishes, friend chicken set and eggplant with fish set.

台長: 悶遜豬
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全站分類: 美食情報(食記、食譜、飲品) | 個人分類: 美食 |
此分類上一篇:[ 飲料 ] 清玉!!!!我還是要推薦一下!!!!


2019-12-29 19:09:54
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