After dropping tears, people would feel better. But I know I have been dissembling my sadness and unhappiness with smiles on my face.
1/2 time living in Eastbourne will pass. I doubt whether my English is improved? I still don’t understand the English news and TV programmes very well. I know I have to study harder, poor Mark.
My host mother, Naomi treats me very friendly. My idea is because I sometimes helped her to keep this house clean. Housekeeping is the host’s business, so her students{ or customers} were not inclined to help her. And then she kissed my cheek twice for my kindness, and it made me a bit happy. I know I’m on my way to be better and better, and there’s at least one agreeing it.
My hair is longer than you all saw in TW, and of course it will become longer and longer. Mark of long hair, it is very cool and amazing, right?
Arnaud & I have been to the Disco in this city one day of this week. It was interesting, many spicy girls with sexy dancing, and exciting & fantastic dance music...... I still didn’t dance that time, you know I don’t like dancing. It is difficult to me to overcome it, but maybe I will dance next time...maybe la.