(pic: 讓我們用芒果冰痛擊秋老虎!)
A sudden pain occurred in my mouth in June. I went to the first dental clinic and got, ‘our dentist does not take patients who did not make appointments in advance,’ as a reply.
I went to the second clinic and got a more satisfying, ‘our dentist will squeeze you in his schedule but you have to wait,’ answer.
“Sure I’ll wait!”
Then came this boyish dentist who was very cute and flirty(愛打情罵俏的).
Due to the fact that I had not seen a dentist for 15 years, there were loads of problems in my mouth. The dentist pulled two wisdom teeth (智齒)out of my mouth. Since the processes were totally painless, he gradually won my trust. He analyzed what my potential(未來可能發生的) teeth problems were afterwards, and apparently solving them would cost me a fortune.
“I’m giving you suggestions, but of course, you make your own decision,” he said.
This dentist not only excels at(卓越) his profession, but is also a brilliant(厲害的) salesman.
I was skeptical of(懷疑的) him at the beginning of our doctor/patient relationship because I thought it was just some easy money that he was making. More than two months later, with all the time and effort he had spent on my teeth, without getting that big wad of cash(一大捆鈔票) that I promised(答應) to pay, I realized that he is certainly not making any ‘easy’ money at all.
I also noticed that it is really convenient(方便的) to make appointment with him since he is available(可會見的) from 9:30 am to 10:30 pm, Monday to Saturday.
I checked his license and discovered that he is actually my dentist friend, Perfecta’s senior classmate(學長). Therefore, I
couldn’t help but discuss him with her. First of all, I know Perfecta doesn’t work like crazy. Usually, she takes the afternoon and the evening shifts(班). If she must take the morning shift, she will make sure that her work can be finished in the afternoon. Secondly, Perfecta doesn’t do all of the treatment processes(療程). If a patient needs a certain treatment that she is not good at, she will refer(轉診) the patient to other dentists generously. Whereas my cute dentist never missed any treatment of mine which implies(表示) that he wants to keep all patients to himself, and for doing this, he must practice every skill perfectly and work extra hard.
“All my male classmates work like robots,” sighed(嘆氣) Perfecta.
“A guy works so hard has no quality of life(生活品質) at all.”
“You want to discuss about ‘quality of life’ with them? They won’t understand you. The only pleasures they get in life are seeing the numbers in their bankbooks(存摺) increase(增加), and spending a couple of hours with their girlfriends on Sundays. All ‘child’ dentists dream of owning their own practices(自己開業) one day. That’s why they work so hard,” Perfecta gushed(不吐不快).
“Don’t they think their life is boring?” I wondered.
“Yeah, that’s why doctors are deluded(人格扭曲的), such as our president’s son in law(女婿),” she laughed.
With long hours of work, dentists always suffer from work related injuries(職業傷害). For instance, they have weak hearing because they drill(鑽牙) teeth all the time. Plus, instead of standing up to reach for their tools, they move chairs with their waists(腰) which lead to spinal injuries(脊椎傷害). And last but not least, their arms get repetitive strain injuries(肌肉扭傷,因為牙醫都是撐高雙手在工作) since they overuse(過度使用) them. I sincerely sympathize(同情) with dentists.
However, not everybody feel the same way. One day, while I was waiting for the assistant to finish her computer work after my appointment with the dentist, a middle aged woman checked out(打量) the cute guy and asked, “your dentist looks very young. How old is he? Is he married?”
“Sorry. We are too busy to chat during work hours. There his license is if you want to know his age,” the assistant gave me a funny smile(帶著弦外之音的微笑) and answered.
What did this woman want? To set up a date for her daughter and the dentist?
In Chinese traditions, parents are dying for workaholic son in laws(工作狂女婿), regardless(不在意) of how much time they will spend with their daughters. They truly believe money can buy happiness.
Do you want the cute dentist to be your family?
Will you marry him?
I know I won’t.