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【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Love really hurts 戀愛「真的很傷」

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《中英對照讀新聞》Love really hurts 戀愛「真的很傷」


Being in love does make you sick, scientists believe.


According to researchers at Imperial College London, the ups and downs of romance can be dangerous.


"Love has some obvious physical effects," said Professor Martin Cowie.

「戀愛對身體有一些明顯的影響,」考 伊 教授說。

"Pupils dilate, palms become sweaty and the heart rate increases. Large amounts of adrenaline are running through our system which does cause problems," he added.


Stress-related illnesses at work arise from similar physical conditions, Prof Cowie says. "We have seen a big rise in people complaining of flu-like symptoms over a long period of time," he said.

工作壓力所產生的相關疾病,也是因為類似的身體狀況而起,考 伊 教授說。「我們看到一段長時間內抱怨出現類似感冒症狀的人大幅攀升,」他說。

Prof Cowie has been studying the effect of emotions on humans. He says there is evidence that bereavement can increase the risk of heart problems and death.

考 伊 教授一直在研究情緒對人類的影響。他說,有證據顯示,喪親會增加心臟問題與死亡風險。

How this occurs is unclear - but death rates are up to 50 per cent higher in the six months after loss of a spouse, with men affected more seriously than women.



ups and downs︰起伏、盛衰。

arise from…︰因造成。例句︰Are there any matters arising from the last meeting?(上次會議有造成甚麼問題嗎?)

over︰在期間。例句︰My grandchildren will stay over Christmas.(我的孫子耶誕節期間將待在這兒。)





台長: 落葉之楓

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