《中英對照讀新聞》Minorities less likely to trick or treat/不給糖就搗蛋 少數族群較不熱中
Two-thirds of parents say their children will trick-or-treat this Halloween, but fewer minorities will let their kids go door to door, with some citing safety worries, a poll shows.
The survey found that 73 percent of whites versus 56 percent of minorities said their children will trick-or-treat.
That disparity in the survey is similar to the difference in how people view the safety of their neighborhoods, according to the poll by The Associated Press and Ipsos. Lower-income people and minorities are more likely to worry that it might not be safe to send their children out on Halloween night.
Overall, 86 percent of those questioned in the survey said their neighborhoods are safe for trick-or-treating. Ninety-one percent of whites, compared with 75 percent of minorities, said they felt their kids would be secure when they went out seeking candy in their area.
Of those adults whose children will not trick-or-treat this year, one-quarter cited safety worries and about one-half said they do not celebrate Halloween. "It’s demonic," said Donna Stitt, 37, a nursing aide with four young children. "People are celebrating the dead. I’m not into that."
trick-or-treat︰西洋萬聖節的應景活動。小孩打扮成鬼怪,然後挨家挨戶按門鈴大喊「 trick-or-treat!」意即不請客就搗亂。
disparity︰不等、差異、不一致。a growing disparity between rich and poor(貧富差距日趨懸殊。)
into︰極為口語的表達,指對…有興趣、熱中、入迷。例句︰She is really into yoga.(她非常熱中瑜伽。)