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2008-02-29 17:09:31 | 人氣159| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》The comforting smells that remind us of m

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《中英對照讀新聞》The comforting smells that remind us of mum and dad讓我們感到安慰、想起爸媽的味道


If You’re ever in need of a little motherly comfort, try burying your nose in a pile of clean laundry.


For washing powder is top of the list for smells we associate with our mums, a study has found.


Just a quick whiff of the smell created nostalgic feelings in around one in five respondents to a survey.


When it came to fathers, however, the associated aroma was a little less fresh.


Though old-fashioned aftershaves did remind some of their dad, it was tobacco that jogged most people’s memory.


The survey of 1,000 adults across Britain was overseen by fragrance expert Professor Tim Jacob, of the School of Biosciences at Cardiff University .

這項在英國各地對1000名成人的調查,係由卡地夫大學生物科學研究所香味專家杰卡 柏 教授主持。

There were some regional variations, and in certain areas perfume was the smell most associated with mothers. Professor Jacob said "Smells can trigger memories deep inside the brain that go back to early childhood."

各地區有些差異,在特定地區,香水最會讓人聯想到母親。杰卡 柏 教授說:「味道可以激發大腦深處的記憶,回想起幼年。」


associate︰聯想,把聯想在一起。例句:They associate turkey with Thanksgiving.(他們把火雞和感恩節聯想在一起。)

whiff︰(風、煙等的)一陣、一吹。如 a whiff of fresh air(一股新鮮空氣)。

jog︰常用的解釋為「慢跑」,此文中的jog one’s memory則有「觸動、喚起(記憶)」之意。例:The police showed him a photo to try to jog his memory about what had happened on the night of the robbery.






台長: 落葉之楓

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