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【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》The satnav dog collar that keeps track of

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《中英對照讀新聞》The sat-nav dog collar that keeps track of Fido wherever he may stray 衛星導航狗環掌握走失狗兒的行蹤


Dog owners will soon be able to deploy sat-nav technology to track down a missing pet.


The lockable collar, on sale from July, is made of anticut material to deter thieves and sends texts to the owner’s mobile telephone if the dog crosses a preset boundary. The owner can log on to a website where, using the sat-nav technology of the collar, they can pinpoint the pet’s location.


The collar is not cheap at£200, but its makers, Retrieva, insist that it is worth it. Andrew Stuart, the company’s director, said:“Dog theft is out there but it’s not high on the list of police priorities, for obvious reasons. But for owners or families, if a dog gets lost it is a traumatic experience.”

這種頸圈並不便宜,要價200英鎊,但製造商Retrieva堅稱,它值得這個價錢。這家公司的董事安德魯.史都華說︰「偷狗情事時有所聞,但基於明顯的理由,警方並不把這種事當作優先查辦的案子,不過對狗主人或養狗的人家來說,狗走失是讓人難過的經驗。 」


sat-nav︰即satellite navigation(衛星導航)。

track︰名詞,行蹤、足跡。例句:We followed his tracks in the snow to a hut.


stray︰動詞,迷路,走散。例句:A policeman took the old man who had strayed home.(警察把迷失在外的老人送回家。)也可當形容詞,指迷路的、走失的,如stray dogs(流浪狗)。



台長: 落葉之楓

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