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【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》How Windows XP contributes to global warm

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《中英對照讀新聞》How Windows XP contributes to global warmingWindows XP如何助長全球暖化


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that no more than 10% of all PCs in use by organizations have power management enabled, and as a result are wasting large amounts of electricity and contributing to greenhouse gases. One major culprit may be Windows XP.

美國環保署估計,組織機關使用中的所有個人電腦,啟動電源管理功能的比率不超過10%,結果造成電力大量浪費,並助長溫室效應氣體產生。其中一大元凶可能是Windows XP。

Unlike the Vista operating system, Windows XP does not give system administrators the ability to natively manage power settings on PCs over a network. That may be hindering adoption of the power management functions available in the operating system.

不像Vista作業系統,Windows XP不允許系統管理員自主地透過網路管理個人電腦的電源設定。那可能會阻礙作業系統具備的電源管理功能受到採用。

But XP isn’t going away anytime soon, and EPA believes that PC power management is an obvious way to save power. The EPA plans to conduct a campaign to try and encourage system administrators to take action.


The EPA estimates that a typical 1,000-PC environment can save $40,000 annually by activating power management, which would reduce power use by 400,000 kWh -- enough electricity to light 220 homes annually. From a greenhouse gas perspective, it reduces gas emissions by 300 tons, or the annual emissions of 50 cars.



culprit:名詞,罪犯、元凶。例句:Obesity is thought to be the primary culprit for children’s diabetes.(肥胖被認為是兒童罹患糖尿病的主因。)

kWh:為kilowatt hour(千瓦小時)的縮寫,也就是電的計量單位「度」。「1度電」就是1,000(W)瓦耗電的用電器具,使用一小時所消耗的電量,表示為1 kWh。



台長: 落葉之楓

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