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【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Nonstick chewing gum firm raises $20 mill

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《中英對照讀新聞》Non-stick chewing gum firm raises $20 million 公司集資2千萬美元推出不黏口香糖


Non-stick chewing gum firm raises $20 million


A British company developing a non-stick chewing gum that can be easily removed from pavements and shoes has raised $20 million to help bring its product to market.


The new financing comes from institutional and private investors, with IP Group -- an early backer -- chipping in an additional $400,000, the firm said on Wednesday.

這筆新獲得的經費來自機構及私人投資者,包括創業投資企業IP Group增資40萬美元,公司週三宣布。

Revolymer’s new Clean Gum is the result of polymer research at the University of Bristol, where the company was created as a research spin-out in 2005.

Revolymer公司新的「Clean Gum」(乾淨口香糖)來自布里斯托大學的聚合物研究成果。該大學在2005年為了將研究結果商業化而成立這家公司。

Today’s chewing gums are made from synthetic latex, which is resistant to the weather and is strongly adhesive. Clean Gum adds a special polymer to modify its properties, making it far less sticky.

現在的口香糖是由合成乳膠所製造,這種原料可耐氣候變化、黏性又很強。「Clean Gum」則添加了一種特別的聚合物修正乳膠的(化學)性質,讓它變得比較不黏。


non-stick:由non及stick組成,non是「非」、「不」的意思,stick原為名詞及動詞,意義是棒狀物或戳、黏。形容詞是sticky。non-stick意思就是不沾黏的(東西),如non-stick cookware,不沾廚具(如鍋子)。

to chip in:片語,捐助、出資。The late entrepreneur once chipped in one million dollars for the charity drive.(已故大亨曾出資一百萬行善)

spin-out:當名詞時又可寫做spinout,意思是衍生物或衍生企業。spin out當做動詞片語時,意思是拉長、延伸,to spin out the fiction,將故事拉長(多加幾段)。




台長: 落葉之楓

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