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2006-01-18 08:57:02

台鐵新購傾斜式列車 命名為太魯閣

這則是 1 月 17 日晚上看到的新聞,注意傾斜式列車有好一陣子了,昨晚看到命名確定的新聞,當然要來貼貼。 =============================================================== 交通部台灣鐵路管理局新採購的48...

2005-02-09 10:16:52

Benjamim Franklin to Elizabeth Hubbart

Franklin below reflects on death in a letter of condolence to his brother John Franklin’s stepdaughter, Elizabeth Hubbart, who was deeply shaken by the her stepfather’s passing. Philadelphia Feb...

2005-01-10 23:05:02

Proverb 30 : 24 – 28

  24 ”Four things on earth are small,     yet they are extremely wise:   25 Ants are creatures of little strength,     yet they store up their food in the summer;   26 coneys...

2004-10-15 11:35:27

Great is Thy Faithfulness

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father; There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be. Refrain: Great ...

2004-08-02 18:55:53

When the Saints Go Marching In

Oh when the saints go marching in, Oh when the saints go marching in, LORD I want to be in that number, When the saints go marching in. Oh when the sun refuses to shine, Oh when the sun refuses...

2004-06-26 10:04:30

For I’m Building A People of Power

New Songs Ringing 112For I’m Building a People of PowerFor I’m Building a People of Power,  and I’m making a people of praisethat will move through this land by My Spirit  and will glorify My p...

2004-06-25 00:03:16

New Songs Ringing 147, 148

New Songs Ringing 147 Come Praise Him Come praise Him, exalt Him, and worship His name     Today and forever He’s always the same Come praise Him, our Saviour,     The lamb that was s...

2004-06-01 16:23:34

A Light in the Attic

A Light in the Attic ---- Shel Silverstein There’s a light on in the attic. Through the house is dark and shuttered, I can see a flickerin’flutter, and I know what it’s about. There’s a light o...

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