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2004-06-25 00:03:16| 人氣289| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

New Songs Ringing 147, 148

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New Songs Ringing 147
Come Praise Him

Come praise Him, exalt Him, and worship His name
    Today and forever
He’s always the same
Come praise Him, our Saviour,
    The lamb that was slain
Come praise Him and worship
    The Lord is His name

New Songs Ringing 148
Give Him glory

Give Him glory
Give Him honour
He is the King of kings
Lift your voices loud
    In praises to Jesus
The Son of God


Painting by Klimt, Island in the Attersee, 1901. Oil on canvas, 100 cm X 100 cm. Private collection.

台長: L's
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